Our friends at Vizify announced recently that they have been acquired by Yahoo and will be shutting down the site. They were awesome enough to recommend Haiku Deck as an alternate service for creating standout visual resumes. (Hai-5, Team Vizify!)

Like Vizify, we believe there are many compelling reasons to present your story visually.

  • Images engage your audience’s emotions and make your story more memorable.
  • Presenting content visually helps you stand out from the crowd.
  • Visual content is easier to consume on mobile devices.

In an age of information overload, visual content is an increasingly powerful way to communicate, and we’re here to make that part simple and fun. To make your transition from Vizify — or your leap to visual storytelling —  as easy as possible, we’ve created two flexible Haiku Deck presentation templates you can use to whip out a visual resume in no time flat.

Create a Professional Profile

Here’s a template you can use to create a stunning visual resume or professional profile. (Click to view the full Haiku Deck template with Notes.)

Vizify alternative: Haiku Deck professional profile presentation template

Here’s the “About Me” Haiku Deck I link to from our website and from my LinkedIn profile (Click to view the full Haiku Deck with Notes.)

Vizify Alternative: Haiku Deck professional profile example

Ideas for your Haiku Deck professional profile:

Create a Personal Profile

Here’s a variation you can use for a fun, flexible “About Me” personal profile. (Click to view the full Haiku Deck template with Notes.)

Vizify alternative: Haiku Deck personal profile presentation template

Ideas for your Haiku Deck personal profile:

How To Use these Templates

We’ve designed these templates to be as flexible as possible to best tell your unique story.

  1. To start your own personal or profile story, open a new tab or window in your browser, sign in to your Haiku Deck account or create a new one (it’s free and easy, just like Haiku Deck), and click NEW DECK.
  2. You can reference our template as you build your own deck for inspiration and ideas. Learn more about creating and editing decks here.
  3. The slides and images we’ve suggested are meant to give you ideas and get you started, and we’ve included more detail in the Notes field, but you can absolutely move things around, add or duplicate slides to go deeper, or remove elements that don’t feel essential to you.
  4. You can choose the theme (basically, a tidy package of font, image filter, and color palette) that feels most like you. Learn more about Haiku Deck themes here.
  5. Once your deck is complete, don’t forget to share it! And if you decide to make changes, any links you’ve already shared will update automatically.

More Resources

Your Turn!

  • What are your favorite tips for visual resumes? Let us know in the comments!
  • If you have questions, or need help or inspiration, please visit our support page and we’ll be happy to help you out.
  • We’d love to see your Haiku Deck profiles — please email a link to gallery@haikudeck.com, or tweet it with the hashtag #hdgallery.
  • If you like our personal and professional profile templates, please share them, or share this post!