MonthMay 2014

Haiku Deck Support Just Got Better!

When it comes to your experience with Haiku Deck support, the team here has a few specific goals:

  • Personalized support: even if we write you back before our morningly coffee, our responses won’t leave you wondering if you’re dealing with a robot.
  • Speedy solutions: like Clark Kent rushing off to save the day, we often drop everything to save you from presentation peril. (Yes, I just compared answering emails to being a superhero from another planet. Shush.)
  • Proactive empowerment: a fancy, shorter way of saying “we like putting the answers out there so you can find them without needing to wait for us.”
  • Simple, beautiful, fun: we try to take the same approach to support as we have for Haiku Deck, by keeping our support as user-friendly as we can.

Having started reading this post because of its enthusiastic, promising subject line, you’re probably thinking: “that’s great and all, but what’s new?” Well, in the spirit of the goals above, I just finished making some huge changes to our support site — and I’m really excited to share them with you! Here are the updates I love the most:

There are all sorts of nifty little updates here and there, so you should go find the rest of the changes for yourself (remember that whole ‘proactive empowerment’ thing?). If you’re looking for new tips and tricks, or running into trouble, take our new support portal for a spin – just click the HELP button in the top right corner of our website anytime!


10 Fantastic Photography Project Ideas

Smile…it’s National Photography Month!

Photography makes us smile all year round — but for the occasion, we’ve collected 10 fun photography project ideas for exploring, teaching, and celebrating photography with Haiku Deck.

1. Do a Photography Scavenger Hunt

Hunt for, and photograph, a list of geometric shapes, colors, numbers, or textures. Snap photographs of things that start with a certain letter or rhyme with a word. Use Haiku Deck to share your photos and compare your discoveries!

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

2. Illustrate a Process

Take photographs to capture and share how to make something, do something, or carry out an experiment, step by step. Here’s a Haiku Deck that demonstrates how to make ice cream in a plastic bag! Continue reading

Rethinking the Case Study Format

Irene Yam had an “aha” moment recently — case studies are the most important B2B marketing tool, yet in their traditional text-heavy format, it’s challenging to get them approved (let alone read). Why not make them visual?

The Visual Case Study Approach

Irene has been using Haiku Deck to transform the typical case study format, making her project write-ups more visual, more engaging, and ultimately more effective (examples below).

“Haiku Deck has really changed the way I think about engaging customers for case studies. Traditional case studies don’t really get read. Case studies are more like “proof” to show to potential customers.”

She has distilled her best tips into this awesome visual case study template — click to view Irene’s template with her step-by-step suggestions.

Template for a Visual Case Study Format
Irene’s Template for a Visual Case Study Format

Visual Case Study Examples

Why do visual case studies work? In Irene’s words,

“Today, most people lack the time or willingness to read case studies or white papers. Many readers prefer to click and snack on catchy titles, bullet points and summaries — the sticky stuff.”

Another benefit is a streamlined approval process — she has found that with the visual case study format, the turnaround time for getting her case studies approved dropped from two months or more to under a week.

Here are a couple of Irene’s case studies in Haiku Deck format.

Visual Case Study Format Example: Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Company

SFBCIC Visual Case Study Example

Visual Case Study Format Example: City of Milpitas, California

City of Milpitas Visual Case Study Example

Irene has gotten positive feedback from her sales team as well because the new format makes the case studies easier to share.

Be sure to read her full write-up on LinkedIn, where she details strategies for structuring case studies and getting them turned around quickly.

The Case for Visual Case Studies

Visual case studies are an all-around win:

  • Faster approval time
  • More likely to be read and understood
  • Easier to share
  • Flexible, valuable brand asset
  • Make your work stand out

Share Your Story

Have a killer Haiku Deck visual case study? You can easily embed it in your LinkedIn profile to demonstrate your work in a standout way — and be sure to share it with us, too, at




3 Ways to Amplify Your Presentation’s Impact with Photographs

“Pics, or it didn’t happen.”

In our digital world we are increasingly immersed in photos, and we can’t get enough of them. Photo sharing is the most popular activity on Facebook and Google+, and an average of 350 million photos are added to Facebook and 60 million to Instagram each day. Through photographs we communicate our experiences and observations, capture treasured memories, and and evoke powerful emotions.

Of course, photos can mean business, too — many presentations incorporate photographs of some kind, though there’s an art to choosing and using them well.

Method 1: Deepen Meaning

The most satisfying presentations have a powerful central idea, and photographs can be an ideal way to bring that unifying theme to life visually, and vividly.

Thematic Imagery

For example, when we launched our Web App, the central idea was that we were bringing Haiku Deck to the cloud. In our Haiku Deck press release, I used images of clouds and water in various forms throughout to reinforce the message.

Amplifying your presentation with photographs: Cloud imagery Amplifying your presentation with photographs: Cloud imagery

Amplifying your presentation with photographs: Cloud imagery Amplifying your presentation with photographs: Cloud imagery

Contrasting Imagery

THE HAIKU DECK WAY – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
for a talk I gave on innovation, I used pairs of contrasting photos throughout to express visually how we break free from the confines of convention — for example, tiny, closed windows followed by open, colorful windows to illustrate different attitudes toward customer feedback.

Amplify your presentation's impact with photographs: closed, tiny windows to express a closed attitudeAmplify your presentation's impact with photographs: bright, colorful windows express an open attitude

Similarly, to illuminate our unique approach to brand ambassadors, I contrasted a photograph of uniform, monochrome lights with an artful image of one-of-a-kind lanterns.

Continue reading

A Year of Inspiration for Educators

As a special thank you for the amazing educators in our creative community, we’re making our premium iPad themes available for free, all week long.

And to help put those beautiful themes to good use, here is a full year of inspiration for using Haiku Deck — in the classroom and out — every month of the year.

Thank you for all you do, teachers! We are inspired by you.


Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app


  • Create “What We Learned” Haiku Decks to celebrate the year’s accomplishments Continue reading

Teacher Appreciation Ideas, and Free Premium iPad Themes for Teachers

Teachers, counselors, administrators, librarians, technologists — we are inspired daily by the tremendous inspiration and generosity that you bring to our creative community.  

To say thank you to our teachers, who we know often spend their own hard-earned money on classroom supplies, we’re making our premium iPad themes available for free all week long.

Just open up the iPad app beginning now through May 10th, tap Themes, select any locked theme showing a green $ in the corner, and tap buy for $0.00.

And since–naturally–we do everything in Haiku Deck form, here are a few fun teacher appreciation ideas to celebrate our amazing educators, this week and every week.

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

{Come to think of it, how about some teacher appreciation Haiku Decks? After all, there are only so many picture frames and coffee mugs that can fit on a desk, but the only space a Haiku Deck takes up is in the heart….}

Thank you, teachers, for all you do! You have been some of our strongest supporters from day 1, and we’re so grateful for all of the projects you cook up with your students of all ages, the blog posts and reviews you write, the professional development sessions you host, and the Haiku Deck shout-outs you give at Twitter chats, EdCamps, and, really, everywhere you go!

Know a teacher who uses Haiku Deck, or should be? Be sure to spread the love!





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