1. Getting Started
Current Haiku Deck Users
If you’re already a Haiku Deck user, be sure to sign in to the iPhone App the same way you do for the iPad App or the Web App to access your Haiku Deck collection on your iPhone.

Sign in the same way you do on your iPad or on the website
New Haiku Deck Users
If you’re new to Haiku Deck, welcome! We’re thrilled to have you in our creative community. You can set up a free account with a tap using Facebook or Twitter, or enter your email and password. Be sure to make a note of how you signed in, so you can use the Haiku Deck Web App and enjoy the full Haiku Deck experience.
Read more about creating a Haiku Deck account.
At any time, you can tap the Account icon (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner, then NEED HELP? to get a screen overlay with tips.
2. Browsing and Selecting Decks
Basic Navigation
Tap the orange selector at the top to switch between FEATURED, POPULAR, MY DECKS, or HISTORY.
Scroll down to view all available decks as well as deck creator, number of slides, and views.
Tap any deck to open it for viewing.
Tap the share icon next to the deck view count to share it via email, Twitter, Facebook, or AirDrop.
Featured Decks
The Featured Decks are hand-curated by our team each week and cover a wide range of subjects. They’re a perfect source of inspiration and demonstrate a variety of ways you can use Haiku Deck.
Popular Decks
Popular Decks, also updated weekly, showcases frequently viewed and shared decks from our creative community.

Browsing the week’s Popular Decks
My Decks
My Decks displays any decks you have created and published using the Haiku Deck iPad App or the Haiku Deck Web App. (Soon, you’ll be able to create new Haiku Decks right on your iPhone!)

Browsing My Decks
There will be no decks to view here if you haven’t created a Haiku Deck. (But you can fix that easily by signing in to the Haiku Deck Web App Beta and creating a quick deck!)
History displays any other decks you have viewed using the iPhone App — for example, decks that have been shared with you via email, social media, or AirDrop. (There will be no decks to view here if you haven’t been sent a link to a deck.)
3. Viewing Decks
Displaying Notes
Hold your iPhone in portrait orientation (vertically) to view a deck that has Notes. (Read more about Public Notes and Private Notes.) If you’re presenting from your iPhone, you can use the Notes as a personal teleprompter — they will be visible only to you.

Hold in portrait orientation to display notes
Swipe left or right to advance or go back.
Tap the Share icon to share via mail, Twitter, Facebook, or AirDrop.
Tap the CC logo to view the image credit and licensing information. (Learn more about Haiku Deck’s integrated Creative Commons image search.)
Tap the ? for a screen overlay with helpful tips.
Full-Screen Display
Hold in landscape orientation to view the slides in full-screen display.

Hold in landscape orientation for full-screen display
Swipe left or right to advance or go back.
4. Presenting a Deck
Using your iPhone as a remote with your iPad
If you are signed into the Haiku Deck app on your iPad and your iPhone, you can use your iPhone to control playback of any published decks on your iPad! Just make sure both devices are connected to the same wifi network or have bluetooth turned on, and that the deck you want to play is published (if it is, it will be visible on your iPhone), then tap the remote button in the top right corner of the iPhone app.
As long as you’re signed into the same account on both devices, you’ll be able to select your iPad from the menu that pops up. A pop up will appear in Haiku Deck on your iPad, so that you can accept or decline the connection. Then, just play any of your decks from your iPhone – and watch the magic happen!
Presenting to an AppleTV with Airplay
If you have an AppleTV on the same network as your iPhone, you can stream your deck wirelessly to play on the TV with Airplay, just like you can with the iPad. Simply swipe up from the bottom of your screen, and tap the Airplay button in the bottom right. Choose AppleTV in the menu that pops up, and viola! Click here for more info about streaming to an AppleTV.
Connecting to a Projector
You can also present while connected to a projector like you can with the iPad. Just find the appropriate adapter for your iOS device and projector, connect it to the projector, and play your deck. You can rotate your iPhone vertically to see your notes. If you run into any trouble, swipe upward from the bottom of your screen to check your orientation lock and mirroring settings in control center, or check out this article.
5. Troubleshooting
Missing decks on your iPhone?
You can tap the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the iPhone app and choose IMPORT to prompt the app to check for any recently published decks. If it still doesn’t show up, make sure that it’s been published to the same account from the web or your iPad.
I can’t connect my iPhone as a remote.
Make sure that:
- Your iPhone and iPad are on the same wifi network, or that they both have bluetooth enabled.
- You have the latest version of Haiku Deck installed on both devices, by going to the App Store, and checking under the Updates tab.
- The account you’re signed into on your iPad and iPhone is the same. If you haven’t signed out/back in on either recently, you may want to sign out and sign back in just to make sure you’re in the same account.
- Your iPhone and iPad are both up to date. To check this, you can go to the Settings app, and choose General – Software Update.
- If you’re on a public network, such as one in a hotel or conference hall, that you don’t have to agree to any terms and conditions in a web browser before utilizing the connection. To check this easily, just try to go to a website like haikudeck.com in your browser on both devices.
If you’re still stuck:
- Swipe upward from the bottom of the screen, and turn on Airplane Mode on both devices. Then, turn it back off, make sure you’re connected to wifi and/or bluetooth, and try again.
- Follow the steps in this article on both devices.
- Drop us a line so we can help out!
I can’t start a new deck.
The ability to create decks on the iPhone is something we’re working on. It’s coming soon, but for the time being, you’ll want to download our free iPad app, or head to haikudeck.com to use our Web App beta.
The app isn’t acting as expected.
Follow the steps in this article and if that doesn’t help, drop us a line for speedy, personalized assistance!