Grow Your Presentation Audience with User Profiles

Today we’re announcing new user profile pages to help you build awareness for your presentations and grow your presentation audience. Public profile pages show all of your publicly shared decks in one place so that it’s easier to share with your audience and also easier to be discovered when viewers search for your presentations. You can even customize the Haiku Deck URL that points to your user page to drive awareness for you, your company, your organization, class or brand.

Profile pages also help Haiku Deck viewers discover new presentations and learn more about authors. Now on the presentation page, viewers can click on the author’s name to see all of their publicly shared Haiku Decks!

Features of profile pages include customizable:

  • Profile and background images
  • Link to your website
  • Short Biography
  • Links to social channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook


When signed in, users can access the profile editing tools under the blue “edit profile” button on the new MY DECKS page. Your audience will see a slightly different view of this page- one that hides private decks from view.

You can now access these public profile pages by clicking the names of authors below their decks on the playback page. See highlighted area in the screen grab below.


Power Tips: Optimize Your Haiku Decks for SlideShare

Haiku Deck for SlideShare

Uploading your Haiku Decks to SlideShare is a breeze — and now you can create them right from SlideShare! Here are a few things to keep in mind to make your Haiku Decks look their best for SlideShare’s 70 million monthly visitors (wow!).

5 Power Tips

1. Include an attention-grabbing title slide.

Make your first slide the title slide — think of it like a headline. This is the first thing your audience will see, and you want to grab their attention.

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Click here to view the full deck on SlideShare

2. Sprinkle in keywords.

Haiku Decks on SlideShare can draw some serious traffic! Be sure to include your important keywords in your deck title and throughout your slide content.

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Click here to view the full deck on SlideShare

3. Break out the multiline slides.

SlideShare is a great place to make use of multiline slides, which give you a bit more room to flesh out an idea, showcase an inspiring quote, or capture a mission statement. (Keep in mind that currently Public Notes are not uploaded to SlideShare, so you want to make sure you’re capturing a complete thought on each slide.)

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Click here to view the full deck on SlideShare

4. Optimize your layouts.

Haiku Deck’s different text layouts allow you to customize the placement of your text. For Haiku Decks shared on SlideShare, we favor layouts that place your text toward the middle and top of your slides (this keeps the Creative Commons licensing information from overlapping with your slide text).

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Click to view the full deck on SlideShare

5. Include your contact information on the last slide.

When creating and publishing your Haiku Deck on SlideShare, the normal final slide with your contact information will not be displayed. So be sure to add a wrap-up slide with any contact information you’d like to share with your audience. (We actually like to do this for all of our Haiku Decks!)

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Click to view the full deck on SlideShare

Your Turn!

Now that you can easily create and share Haiku Decks from either site, there’s no reason not to set your story free! If you’ve shared a Haiku Deck on SlideShare, we’d love to see it — just leave us a comment below.

SEO Checklist for Haiku Deck

SEO Checklist

Once you’ve created your amazing Haiku Deck, use this handy SEO checklist to maximize the content value of your work and make your deck as discoverable as possible.

1. Optimize Your Title

Think of your title like a headline: Concise, compelling, and keyword-rich.

Tip: You can choose your deck’s title when you create a new deck, or edit it any time.

2. Create a Title Slide

To maximize flexibility and discoverability for your deck, be sure to create a cover slide that includes your deck’s title and sets context. Depending on the purpose of your deck, you might also want to include your name (or the speaker’s name, if you’re doing a recap), the event name and date, a hashtag, and so on. Here are a couple of examples.

SEO Checklist for Haiku Deck: Sample title slide

Sample title slide for a talk recap

SEO Checklist for Haiku Deck: Sample title slide

Sample title slide for a “list” content piece

3. Incorporate Keywords into Slide Text

Think of each slide as a unique content asset, using keywords strategically to extend your content value. Remember that you can link to or pin individual slides. (See some examples on our Quotes and Education Quotes Pinterest boards.)

SEO Checklist for Haiku Deck: Creating keyword-rich slides

Sample slide reinforcing high-value keywords

4. Include a Closing Slide

Even though each Haiku Deck you publish includes your contact info, it’s a good idea to include a wrap-up slide to direct readers to more information or highlight ways to connect with you, like this one:

SEO Checklist for Haiku Deck

Sample “Learn more” slide

5. Add Public Notes

Haiku Deck’s Public Notes feature is the ideal way to add richness, content value, and more keywords to your work without cluttering up your slides. You can include supporting detail, additional information, and even links. Everything you need to know: Turn Presentations into Content Assets with Public Notes.

Tip: Be sure to include links to drive traffic back to your blog or website. To add a link, use the full http:// format.

SEO Checklist for Haiku Deck: Adding Public Notes

Sample Haiku Deck slide with accompanying public notes

6. Set Privacy to Public and Publish to the Web

If you’ve been keeping your deck private or restricted while you work on it, don’t forget to change the privacy setting to public when you publish your deck to make it fully searchable. More here: Adjusting Your Deck’s Privacy Settings and Publishing and Sharing.

SEO Checklist: Set Privacy to Public

Setting privacy on Haiku Deck for iPad

Publish settings on the Haiku Deck Web App

Publish settings on the Haiku Deck Web App

7. Add a Deck Description

For the cherry on top, add a description to your deck from the website. This is effectively your meta description, and it’s the default text that will appear when your deck is shared to social sites like Facebook or LinkedIn.

Sample deck description

Sample deck description.

To edit your deck description from the Web App:

Click the SHARE button or EXPORT for your deck in the top right corner from Edit Mode. In the window that pops up, you can enter a description and choose a category for your deck.

To view the deck we’ve been showcasing here in its full form, check out Haiku Deck Guru Lois Zachary’s 8 Tips for Effective Communication.

8. Embed Your Deck in Your Website or Blog

Once you’ve created the ultimate Haiku Deck, don’t forget to amp up its SEO value by embedding it in your blog or website. It’s easy! For an example, take a look at how Haiku Deck Guru Nick Armstrong embedded his WTF Marketing Manifesto in his blog.

More Tips?

If you have more tips for extending the content value of your Haiku Decks, we’d love to hear them! Please let us know in the comments.

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