As a special thank you for the amazing educators in our creative community, we’re making our premium iPad themes available for free, all week long.
And to help put those beautiful themes to good use, here is a full year of inspiration for using Haiku Deck — in the classroom and out — every month of the year.
Thank you for all you do, teachers! We are inspired by you.
- Create Haiku Decks of student photography to celebrate National Photography Month
- Create Haiku Deck messages for moms to celebrate Mother’s Day
- Create Haiku Decks with photos or charts and graphs of favorite activities for National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
- Create Haiku Decks of student drawings or photos to celebrate National Pet Month
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app
- Create “What We Learned” Haiku Decks to celebrate the year’s accomplishments
- Create Haiku Deck messages for dads to celebrate Father’s Day
- Create summer-themed Haiku Deck poems
- Create your summer reading lists or enrichment ideas in Haiku Deck
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app
- Create Haiku Decks to promote, kick off, or capture highlights from EdCamps and other events
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app
- Create Haiku Decks for professional development resources
- Share your favorite apps or classroom resources in a Haiku Deck
- Create a Haiku Deck of summer adventures
- Introduce yourself to your class or faculty with an “About Me” Haiku Deck
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app
- Create Haiku Decks of favorite art styles, artists, or student artwork for Art Appreciation Month
- Have students create Haiku Decks to introduce themselves
- Create Haiku Decks to introduce your curriculum, your weekly schedule, or daily announcements
- Collaborate on a class constitution or class agreement Haiku Deck
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app
- Use Haiku Deck for your Curriculum Night presentation
- Create Haiku Deck messages for grandparents to celebrate Grandparents Day
- Create autumn-themed poems with Haiku Deck
- Create a Haiku Deck of class Halloween celebration photos
- Create Haiku Deck book reports or student-created books to celebrate National Book Month
- Create Haiku Deck public service announcements for National Bullying Prevention Month
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app
- Celebrate famous explorers in a Haiku Deck
- Incorporate Haiku Deck into your student-led conferences
- Create Haiku Decks to capture favorite Thanksgiving traditions
- Send a Haiku Deck holiday greeting to your class or colleagues
- Capture students’ New Year’s resolutions with Haiku Deck
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app
- Create your own educational manifesto
- Create a Haiku Deck biography or quote collection to celebrate Martin Luther King Day
- Create Haiku Deck biographies or quote collections for African American History Month
- Create Haiku Deck Valentine messages
- Create Haiku Deck biographies or quote collections to celebrate Presidents Day
- Create Haiku Decks celebrating famous figures for Women’s History Month
- Create spring-themed Haiku Deck poems
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app
- Create charts and graphs of favorite foods or research reports for National Nutrition Month
- Create Haiku Decks to celebrate National Poetry Month
- Create Haiku Decks of ideas to help the planet to celebrate Earth Day
- Create Haiku Decks to practice vocabulary for AP exams
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app
Your Turn
We’d love to include your calendar-based Haiku Deck ideas, too! Please share your ideas in the comments, and we’ll keep updating the year of inspiration.