We’ve tried to make Haiku Deck as simple and intuitive to use as possible, but here’s our ultimate resource guide to help you get started. If there’s a question we didn’t answer, visit our support community or let us know in the comments! We’re always here to help.
New to Haiku Deck? Check out our Quick Guide to using Haiku Deck here!
Get to Know Haiku Deck
Here’s quick video intro to Haiku Deck:
Beginning Resources
- Accounts (FAQs about creating an account and signing in)
- Haiku Deck Tutorial: Getting Started (Basic navigation and settings)
- Haiku Deck Tutorial: Edit Mode (Creating and working with slides)
- Adjust Privacy Settings (Setting privacy from the app and the web)
- Hot Stuff! New Haiku Deck Player (Basic navigation and options for sharing from the web)
Tip: If you need a little help, simply head to the “?” for quick in-app assistance.

The “?” provides in-app help.
Videos: Haiku Deck iPad App Tutorials
- Haiku How-To: Image favoriting and history (Save images as favorites and find the ones you previously used)
- Haiku How-To: Premium Images (Identify and purchase premium images from Getty)
- Haiku How-To: Notes (Adding public and private notes)
Using Images and Visuals
- Free Photos for All: How Haiku Deck Puts Creative Commons Images at Your Fingertips (Millions of Creative Commons images are available to you through our built-in keyword image search)
- Import Images Like a Pro (Learn how to use images in your camera roll, photostream and online accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, Google Drive and more)
- Presentation Images to Order: New In-App Resizing (Learn how to use the in-app tool for resizing your images)
- Charts and Graphs Made Easy With Haiku Deck (Create simple and beautiful bar graphs, pie charts, and stat charts in the app)
- Presentation Ideas: Lists the Haiku Deck Way (How to create simple, beautiful bulleted or numbered lists in Haiku Deck)
- Power Tips for Haiku Deck Lists (Go beyond the basics with these power tips for creating lists in Haiku Deck)
- Presentation Templates with Pizzazz (About selecting a theme, image filters, color palettes, and more)
- Presentation Inspiration: 3 Power Tips for Selecting Images (Power tips for keyword image searching and dealing with dead ends)
- Incorporating Videos into Your Haiku Decks (Our two work-arounds for incorporating videos into your decks)
- Making a video out of your Haiku Deck (The tools to use, and the steps to take, to turn your Haiku Deck into a video)
All About Notes
- Haiku How-To: Notes (A 60-second video about adding notes in the iPad app)
- Turn Presentations into Content Assets with Public Notes (Enrich your content by adding public notes)
- Present like a Rock Star with Private Notes (About adding private notes, presenting with private notes, and more from the iPad app)
- Public Notes Case Studies (Pinterest board)
Save, Publish, and Share
- Haiku Deck Help: Publishing and Sharing (About saving, publishing, sharing and updating your Haiku Deck)
- 23 Ways to Share Your Haiku Deck (How to share your Haiku Deck via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, email, and more)
- Haiku Deck Help: How the App and Website Work Together (Add finishing touches to your Haiku Deck by logging in to the website)
- Haiku Deck Help: Exporting to PowerPoint or Keynote (How to export your iPad-made deck to PowerPoint/Keynote, advanced tips, and troubleshooting)
- Haiku Deck, Now with Slideshare Integration (Seamlessly publish your Haiku Deck to Slideshare)
- SEO Checklist For Haiku Deck (Maximize the SEO of your Haiku Deck)
Blogging with Haiku Deck
- Embedding Haiku Decks in WordPress blogs (A step-by-step walkthrough for embedding your deck in WordPress and the common issues that may come with it)
- Embedding Haiku Decks in your blog (or other sites) (How to embed your deck in your blog/site, fun info on HTML, and common issues)
- Blogging Case Studies (Pinterest board)
Presenting Your Haiku Deck
- Haiku Deck Tutorial: Present Mode (Presenting your deck from your iPad or computer)
- Streaming to an Apple TV (How to stream your Haiku Deck via AirPlay to Apple TV)
- Presenting from your iPad: Using your iPhone as a remote (A simple work-around for controlling your Haiku Deck during a presentation)
- Using PowerPoint or Keynote to add narration, use a remote, and more
- Pulling your deck up on a computer (without PowerPoint or Keynote)
- Connecting your iPad to a projector (About using an iPad to VGA adaptor to project your Haiku Deck)
- 30 Haiku Deck Inspirations (Video)
- Visit our Featured and Popular Galleries to see the best decks from our community, hand-picked by our team. Tip: If you’re working in the app, you can visit the Gallery by tapping on the GALLERY button on the lower left hand corner in the MAIN MENU.
Tap GALLERY in the MAIN MENU to visit the Gallery in the app.
- Pinterest boards (Inspiring examples of Haiku Decks from our creative community about education, real estate, business and more)
- 10 Tips to Transform Your Presentations (A Haiku Deck illustrating our core philosophy of simple, beautiful, and fun)
- How To Enrich Conferences and Events with Haiku Deck (Tips and best practices for using Haiku Deck before, during, and after the event)
More Resource Guides
- The New PowerPoint for Education
- The Secret Weapon for Blog Photos, Lists, and Killer Content
- Real Estate Marketing Inspiration – The Ultimate Resource List
- The Haiku Deck iPad app is crashing
- Help! My Haiku Decks Aren’t Showing Up in My Gallery
- Haiku Deck Help: Exporting to PowerPoint or Keynote
- Help! I Want To Use My Own Images, But I Can’t See Them
- Images aren’t coming up in my search results or my decks on the web
If we didn’t answer your question here, you can visit our support community anytime for quick, and personalized, help.
Join our community!
- Follow Haiku Deck on Twitter
- Join our Google+ community
- Find us on Facebook
- Connect with Haiku Deck Gurus
Now….time to set your story free! Send a link to your deck to gallery@haikudeck.com, and we’ll consider them for our Featured or Popular Gallery or our Pinterest boards. You can also tweet it with the hashtag #hdgallery.