Wondering what’s different between the web app and the iPad app? Check out our article about it here.
After many weeks of hard work and at least 8 times that many afternoon trips to the neighborhood coffee shop, Haiku Deck 2.0 is now available in iTunes!
Yes, we’ve released updates in the past, but this is a big one, and it’s packed with all kinds of awesome new stuff! It’s like Christmas, New Year’s, and a disco-ball dance party all in one.
What’s New In Haiku Deck 2.0
What’s New in Haiku Deck 2.0 – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
For all the details, read more about:
- Making the best-looking charts and graphs you’ve ever seen, using only your fingertips
- Creating numbered and bulleted lists
- Cropping and repositioning images, right from the app
- The new streamlined publishing and sharing flow
- Cool new features you can access from the Main screen
But really, what we MOST want you to do is download or update Haiku Deck 2.0 TODAY, try it out, send us your feedback, rate and review it, tell your friends about it, and set your story free!
Team Haiku Deck
Custom Charts and Graphs
One of the most exciting features in Haiku Deck is the ability to create your own charts and graphs, right in the app. Like everything we do, we worked hard to make it simple, beautiful, and fun. That’s right…fun! No linked spreadsheets, no fussy formatting, no complicated formulas–just magical drag-to-edit and tap controls. Seriously, it’s actually fun.
Here’s a Haiku Deck that includes all three kinds of charts you can create in the app: bar charts, pie charts, and stat charts. Below this example, details on how to use our awesome charts and graphs.
Why Work at Haiku Deck? – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires Continue reading
Looking for info on how to update and understand your decks’ privacy settings? Check out our support article here.
From Haiku Deck to PowerPoint
We’ve worked hard to make it easy to share your Haiku Decks any way you want, on any device–from your iPad to your laptop to your smartphone. Though there are many advantages to Haiku Deck’s mobile-friendly and lightweight HTML 5 capabilities and our Web App, we understand that sometimes you need to share via more traditional means. Other popular reasons for exporting to PowerPoint or Keynote include embedding video, adding presenter notes, or turning the file into an iMovie with an audio soundtrack, like this. In addition, you can always use Haiku Deck to prep then export to PowerPoint to add the finishing touches, like Kent Gustavson’s talk for TedxSBU.
You can export to the .pptx format right from the Haiku Deck iPad App or the Web App, and open the files using more recent editions of Microsoft PowerPoint and Apple Keynote.

Haiku Deck on Center Stage
To learn how to export your Haiku Deck to PowerPoint, Keynote, or SlideShare, visit this article in the Haiku Deck user guide.
Advanced Tips and Troubleshooting (iPad)
1. If you have Keynote for iPad installed, you can open the file right on your iPad. Simply email the file to yourself, then press and hold it until a popup appears, and choose Open in Keynote. You can also use this method to save your export to Dropbox, Google Drive, or Evernote.

Haiku Deck for iPad: Opening a .pptx attachment with Keynote, Dropbox, Google Drive, or Evernote
2. Beginning with Haiku Deck 2.0, publishing to the web is required before exporting. There are many benefits to doing this, including making your deck viewable on any web-enabled device, tracking views, and the ability to download a PDF version. Remember that with the in-app privacy settings, you have complete control over who views your deck. Read more about how the Haiku Deck iPad App and website work together here.
3. Occasionally, Haiku Deck for iPad creates a deck that’s too large to email, and you’ll need to manually retrieve it from iTunes. You can find detailed instructions for doing so here.
4. Once you export, the text and images you created in Haiku Deck will no longer be editable. (You can, of course, always make edits in Haiku Deck and re-export.)
5. Any Creative Commons photo credits will be automatically pulled in to the bottom of each slide.
6. If the app is crashing when you’re exporting to PowerPoint or Keynote, and your deck’s title has a backslash (/) in it, try to change the title of your deck and remove the backslash. We have more detailed information on what to do when the app is crashing during export here.
7. PowerPoint files exported from Haiku Deck for iPad are made for the newest versions of PowerPoint. These “.pptx” files will only work in PowerPoint 2010 or later and are not compatible in earlier versions where those files ended with “.ppt”. To fix this, try to edit the file name to see if your version of PowerPoint will open it.
8. If you are working on the Haiku Deck Web App, we have steps on how to export to PowerPoint or Keynote here.
If you have additional questions about exporting, please visit our Customer Support page.
Stunning presentations online and on your tablet: The two parts of the Haiku Deck experience—the iPad app and the website—go together like sushi and sake, like Sonny and Cher, like…
(OK, perhaps we need a snack. Moving on…)
You can certainly create a Haiku Deck right on your iPad and show it off the same way over a power lunch or in a plane, but from our perspective, your Haiku Deck is not experiencing its full glory until you’ve completed these three steps. (Note: For a completely contained web experience, be sure to give our Web App a try.)
Step 1: Create
If you’re on the go or feeling spontaneous, you can exercise your creative genius on the Haiku Deck iPad App. We’ve put a lot of thought into how to make this experience feel fluid and magical, through the dynamic image search and interfaces that keep typing to an absolute minimum. Instead of being chained to your desk to “work” on a presentation, you can “play” with your Haiku Deck whenever and wherever inspiration strikes–curled up on the couch, on the subway, over a cappuccino. (Tip: If you need more help with creating or editing a Haiku Deck, start with the Haiku Deck Tutorial.)
With the Haiku Deck Web App, you can also start a deck at your computer. This is particularly handy if you have images stored on your computer that you’d like to import, or if you’d like to include Notes and prefer to type on a full-sized keyboard.
We are thrilled to hear how many of you want to share your Haiku Deck creations on your own personal and professional blogs. Decks are a great addition to any blog post, be it to better illustrate a topic or event, to add some visual flare to a project, or just to spread some Haiku Deck love. Embedding any published deck from your gallery on the website is simple.
Here’s a deck we put together with the steps you’ll want to follow to embed your one of your decks on your blog or website:
If you run into trouble or want more details, you can check out our user guide article about embedding, which includes a link at the bottom to our embed troubleshooting article at the bottom.
When you publish your post, the code you pasted will magically transform into your deck for all your viewers to click through and view, just like this one:
The Visual Gems Of Haiku Deck – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;
Now, get blogging!
We love hearing about why and how people are using Haiku Deck, but it’s also incredibly helpful to hear the reasons why they’re not. Some things people are asking for are in the plans (we hear you, Android users!), but other things we can address, well, now. So please read on if you’ve ever thought or heard these words: “Haiku Deck looks cool, but….”
1. “I’m Not Giving a Presentation Anytime Soon.”
Haiku Deck isn’t just for “real” presentations. You can use Haiku Deck to add rich content to your blog, make a memorable list, send a personal message, recap a favorite book, capture sound bites from an event, or just be creative and have fun. We continue to be inspired by all the amazing ways our community is using Haiku Deck every day.
2. “My Presentation Is Super Data Heavy.”
No problem. You can now easily create your own charts and graphs on Haiku Deck for iPad or pull in your own images and screenshots. With Haiku Deck, you can tell the story behind your numbers in a creative and engaging way, and your audience will be sure to give the hard data their full attention. For a little inspiration, be sure to check out our Charts and Graphs Pinterest board.
The Internet is a bountiful place, full of information, wonder, and an endless supply of heart-melting puppy videos. But what may sometimes seem in short supply are fantastic, free photos to easily–and legally–use for your presentations or blog slideshows.
While Google image search is convenient, it’s up to you to make sure you’re using any images you find lawfully. Flickr is an incredible resource for Creative Commons-licensed images–as long as you apply the correct filters and include proper attribution, which requires a bit of legwork. We believe that Creative Commons images are an incredible cultural treasure trove, and they are central to the Haiku Deck experience. We want to make it as easy as possible to do the right thing AND bring your stories to life with beautiful, free photos that you are free to use, like these:
The Visual Gems Of Haiku Deck – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
Finding Images
Every image search you perform within Haiku Deck taps into the millions of ready-to-use Creative Commons licensed images that have been posted to Flickr by photographers all over the world. We match keywords from your slide text to tags supplied by the photographers to streamline the process, but you can always search for any word or phrase you like, whether it’s “giant blueberry pancakes” or “bearded pirates.” We’ll even give you a list of related keywords to get your creative juices flowing. (Power tip: We have all found that allowing ourselves a little time to play with keyword searching often reveals fresh inspiration that leads to stronger slides and decks.)

Using the built-in image keyword search in the iPad App
Automatic Attribution
Once you select the perfect image, Haiku Deck magically embeds the image credit, so proper attribution is always just a click away. When you play a Haiku Deck directly from your iPad, tap the screen and then the CC logo in the lower right corner to view the photographer and the license details.

Tap the Creative Commons logo to view the image and license details
You can even Click the “i” button next to the photographer’s name to view their Flickr photostream in a pop-up window.

Tap the photographer’s name or the “info” icon for more details
If you’re viewing a Haiku Deck on the web, look for the CC logo in the top left corner of each slide.

Click the Creative Commons logo in the top left corner to view license and photo details
Click it to reveal a black bar filled with useful links. Click the photographer’s name to view their photostream, and click the CC icon for more details about the specific license. The image attribution is preserved even if you export your deck to Powerpoint or as a PDF.
The upshot: There’s no need to resort to lackluster clip art, or to act like a bearded pirate, if you want to add visual interest your decks. With the superpowered Haiku Deck image search, finding beautiful free photos has never been easier. And with the knowledge that every photo is licensed through Creative Commons and properly attributed, you can create rock-star slides AND sleep soundly.
P.S. Want to use your own images? You can just as easily upload photos and screenshots in a snap.
Signing in on the Haiku Deck website allows you to do a whole range of things outside of the world of the app. By signing in online, you can:
- view your personal gallery of the decks you have created
- adjust your privacy settings for each deck
- view stats on your decks
- add notes to your decks
- embed your deck in your website or blog
- check out any comments users may have left for you
- and download a supercool PDF you can use for a handout
We’ve been getting some support requests from fans saying their decks aren’t showing up in their personal gallery. There are a few different reasons this can happen, and this post should help you troubleshoot them.
1. Poor Internet connection: Many publishing issues can be attributed to poor network connectivity. Check your connection and try again.
2. Your Haiku Deck created has not been published to the web: Simply creating a deck using the Haiku Deck iPad application does not automatically make that deck available in your online gallery. You must first share or publish the deck for it to appear on our website.
3. You used a different account to log in to the Haiku Deck application and the Haiku Deck website: You must use the same account for both. To test this, sign in to www.HaikuDeck.com using your preferred account. Then sign in to Haiku Deck on your iPad using the same account. (From the main screen, you can adjust this with the button in the lower left that says either [SIGN IN] or [ACCOUNT]). Try publishing a deck from your iPad by emailing it to yourself, then clicking the link to view it online. Additional information about what do to if you’ve logged in with multiple accounts here.
Reload your gallery on the Haiku Deck website–your newly published deck should appear.
The key is to ALWAYS use the same account to sign in to the Haiku Deck iPad application and website.
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