
Creating a coaching webinar with Haiku Deck

In the last post, we explored how webinars can be the key to expanding your coaching practice online. Haiku Deck makes it easy to turn an idea, product or previously conducted talk into a webinar. It can seem like a large endeavor, but preparing a webinar is almost identical to preparing almost any other type of presentation. In some cases, it can even be easier! Let’s take a look at how to turn an idea, service or previous talk into a new deck and how to share it!


  1. Draft out how you would explain the idea to a client in person.
  2. Think about how you would pitch the new process or strategy to them and try to anticipate some of their questions.
  3. Break down the idea into a few key points and answers to questions.
  4. Put one point in each slide and find evocative imagery for the backgrounds using our image search tool. You should back up each point with a  supporting detail or two.
  5. Once you have this body of you presentation done, add a few slides of introduction to who you are and what you are going to talk about.  
  6. Finally, sign off with a thank you, some contact info, and, if you want, a question/answer section.

Check out our webinar template for more advice on structure and formatting . Copy it into your account and use it to contrust your first webinar!

Webinar Template – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;


Pitching a service or class on the web is very similar to pitching it in person or pitching an idea to a client. Start with your focus, breaking down the product or class into key points. This is the main body of your webinar. Just as for an idea webinar, build out short introduction and closing sections. However, for a successful sales webinar, find a small lesson or valuable part of the product and give it away for free. Whether that’s a slide where you talk about a specific lesson they will learn in your class, or a free download of a planning worksheet or short e-book, giving your audience a sample will draw them in much faster.

Check out this template deck by Lauren Edwards to learn a bit more about creating a sales webinar.

21 point outline – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

Previously Conducted Talk:

If you already have a deck set up from a previous talk, you can just use that! A webinar is really just a seminar on the web, there isn’t that much you should do differently. If you have a PowerPoint, you can plug it into Zuru which will help you quickly transform it into a polished, professional presentation. You can also use any previously created Haiku Deck and just follow the recording/sharing instructions down below.

Using the Webinar

Once you have a deck set up, it is time to record your voiceover. Using the audio recording tool (microphone icon in the left sidebar), record the voiceover for each slide. This audio will be linked to your slides so that no matter how you share, your clients will have access to what you are saying.

Finally, export or share the deck. If you want to lead the webinar with a webinar software that allows for live Q/A and paid sign in, export your deck to your computer and upload it to the software of your choice. You can also easily export your presentation as a video with your audio narration and slides for sharing on YouTube or your personal site, or you can share the deck on Haiku Deck. Sharing on Haiku Deck lets your presentation be interactive—clients can click between slides and your audio narration will follow them in whatever order they choose.



No matter what process you use to create your webinar, or how you choose to share it, we hope that Haiku Deck makes it straightforward and simple. If you have any questions about webinars with Haiku Deck or any pointers of your own, please don’t hesitate to drop me a message at To get more info on Haiku Deck and coaching, check out

Why webinars are the key to growing your coaching practice online

Forbes names technology and the rise of remote coaching as the #1 trend in coaching over the next 15 years. Recorded webinars and podcasts are just two technologies that expand your reach past your local community.

Skype and phone-coaching give coaches easy access to a larger client base and more location freedom. But those are just the online equivalent of one-on-one conversations. What if the large speaking engagements that many coaches perform on a regular basis were online too? Webinars let you reach more people, faster, and build relationships with each of them just as you would in a workshop or conference.

Why webinars work for coaches

Webinars are made for presentations and seminar-like work. You might have a fairly standard presentation that you offer on a regular basis that you would like to offer to more people. Or have an idea for a great workshop but don’t have a solid, large client to host it with. Webinars are a great place to utilize these ideas and materials. Their visual components help to build trust, keep your audience focused and interested, and help you create a closer emotional connection with your clients. A webinar is a great tool for coaches looking to expand their practice. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of a webinar and how to maximize trust, focus, interest, and emotional connection.

Instill Trust

According to the International Coaching Federation, the main obstacle in coaching as identified by coaches is the influx of untrained individuals who call themselves coaches. As such, a client’s trust in a coach is key to the coaches success. A professional slide deck can validate your process and ideas in a way that the disembodied voice of a podcast can’t, immediately building your client’s confidence in your program. While podcasts and email lists may reach more people, only about 2.5% of the audience will end up being a client. In contrast, a well planned webinar can yield significantly higher conversion rates. One example is Jenna Soard of whose first ever webinar boasted a 16% conversion rate.

Jared Ganem has a powerful introduction to his webinar “Double your bookings” that makes use of beautiful images paired with professional layouts and design. Right off the bat, this deck helps to show potential clients that Jared has the skills and expertise to coach them.

Tip: Try balancing a consistent look to your slides with varied formatting — easy to do with Haiku Deck Themes.

Maintain Focus

Especially in corporate settings, building client buy-in is an essential of coaching. Without the supervision of an in-person seminar, webinars and podcasts must find ways to catch and hold the attention of the audience. Forgo the dense PowerPoints of corporations for a streamlined, one-idea-per-slide approach that focuses listeners on the most important points. Research shows that in doing this, your audience will stay engaged longer and retain the information better.

Jane Hewitt has a captivating deck on changing your mindset that includes interesting but not overly complicated visuals. Balancing simplicity and intrigue, her images give the audience something to explore with their eyes and connect with her talking points.

Tip: Use images that relate to the the underlying points and abstract ideas of your slide to drive your audience to make those connections.

Stimulate Interest

Interesting and engaging visuals take centerstage in webinars, drawing in your audience and directing them through your ideas. In addition to improving retention, interesting visuals make your webinar fun and helps you to move up past that 15% average conversion rate!

Cassandra O’Neill does a great job of this in her Collective Leadership deck, tying together symbolic language with visuals such as a slide about your “flourishing future” that is backed by a picture of a flower blooming in the spring.

If you can find images that also connect to your wording, audiences will enjoy the clever connections.

Build an Emotional Connection

The internet is often seen as a very impersonal place and webinars/podcasts can feel the same way. However, with captivating images, you can build an emotional bond with your audience. A wisely chosen picture can drive home the emotional importance of your talking points. This improves retention but also develops the connection you have with your clients.

Cena Block’s story on how she got into the coaching business is simple, but emotional, and she pairs it well with imagery (both from online and from her own pictures) that evokes the “I’ve been there, I get that” feeling in her audience.

Tip: Since in a webinar, you aren’t there to make the physical connection with your audience, use images of people (and sometimes your own pictures) to help them connect more to your topics.

Putting it All Together

The visual aspect of webinars helps to build trust, keep your audience focused and interested, and help you create a closer emotional connection with your clients. A webinar is a great tool for coaches looking to expand their practice. To stay notified as we go into more detail about making awesome webinars with Haiku Deck, drop us a message at or visit our coaching page at

Career and Leadership Coaching Presentations: Q&A with Polly Chandler

Polly Chandler is a Tiburon California-based coach and facilitator that specializes in leadership development and career transitions. Before starting Chandler Coaching, she coached and taught students and faculty at Antioch University New England, where she served as Program Director for the MBA in Sustainability and Chair of the Department of Management for 10 years. An early Haiku Deck Pro subscriber and advocate, Polly recently shared her thoughts on coaching presentations, storytelling, and how effective presentations make a difference for her practice and her clients.

What makes your approach to leadership and career coaching unique?   

My approach is strengths focused, I support people in understanding their strengths so they can build from where their talents, values, interests, and even passions intersect.  I work with people to see that most of their challenges come from misapplication of their strengths, 70% of weaknesses are just an over or underuse of a top strength.  This is a powerful construct for people to use.  I focus on high energy and high performance.   I also do team trainings and integrate experiential learning and outdoors as much as possible

How do you use Haiku Deck in your practice? 

I use Haiku Deck to illustrate key concepts in a strengths based approach.  I have a series of decks that I develop based on a client’s goals.  For example, when I was working with First Five, I selected photos to tell the story of strengths through images about children.  When I work with healthcare, I select photos to tell their story.  Haiku Deck allows me to design customized decks that unfold as stories.

(Here’s an example of a Haiku Deck Polly used to help a group start thinking about how we would be working together)

Imagine it’s January 2017 – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

How has Haiku Deck made a difference for you and/or your clients?   

It’s easy to keep my role as a facilitator, not a lecturer.  I use the slides to open dialogue and conversation.  I believe that best learning happens with content and discussion, not just content.  I design decks so people learn to think about presentations as a story and conversation, not just a list of facts.

Before becoming a full-time coach, you were Chair of the Department of Management at Antioch University. How has your role as a teacher and department leader impacted your approach to coaching? 

One of the reasons I left Academia, was because I found my greatest energy and performance came when I was coaching students and faculty. I had talents and strengths in this role and I loved it.  I decided to spend more of my time doing what I loved most.  This is a great story to share with clients as I encourage them to leverage their strengths to do more of what they love.  My goal was to have more “best days at work”.  I also was determined to find a way to work outdoors as much as possible.  I do most of my coaching outdoors.  I do not have an office.  I prefer to meet clients in person outdoors.  If it is phone call coaching, I work from outdoors in a park or other beautiful setting.  Today, I sat on a bench overlooking San Francisco Bay.   If there are children playing, birds chirping, or other outdoor sounds, I just explain that I work where it gives me energy.  I try to encourage others to do the same.

When you coach leaders, what advice do you give to help them craft and deliver more effective storytelling to their teams, partners, and clients? 

Be a guide and storyteller.  People get overwhelmed by facts.  Design and deliver slides that weave together a story of facts, impressions, learnings, and insights.  Be a guide on the side.  Form a relationship with the audience through images that speak a common language.  Build a connection with the audience by building on shared knowledge.  Be a slide guide and customize all your presentations to meet the needs of your audience.  Never give the same talk twice.  Don’t give canned talks. They sound tired.  Come up with new ways of delivering every presentation to meet the needs, strengths and passions of your audience.

You mentioned that you’ve been an advocate for Haiku Deck. How do you describe Haiku Deck to others?

I ask people to tell me…What was your favorite children’s book? (Or if they are a parent, what is your favorite book to read to your child).  I then ask, why was it your favorite book.   Nine times out of ten the response is, the illustrations were so wonderful and there just was not a lot of need for words.  To me, that is Haiku Deck.  Finding excellent images to tell the story with as few words as possible.  I find I love building the decks now that I am out of the PowerPoint platform.  PowerPoint did not have the same creative potential for me, unless I decided to spend a lot of time learning.  Haiku Deck was easy, fast and I have had great success with audiences.

To learn more about Polly and her coaching practice, visit

Are you a coach using Haiku Deck to deliver impact with your clients? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at

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