
Presentation Templates with Pizzazz

All About Haiku Deck Themes

As you know, when it comes to presentations we like to do things a little differently, and frankly, we’re not a big fan of typical corporate presentation templates. When you try to pack in logos and branding onto every slide, you end up taking up a lot of valuable space–and, in many cases, tuning your audience out.

In our view, your story should inspire your look. Playing with different fonts, image filters, and color palettes is a fun part of the creative process, and Haiku Deck’s one-tap themes make it incredibly easy to do just that, without a bunch of fiddling around with fonts and spacing.

Creative Inspiration

The Haiku Deck theme collection has been professionally (and lovingly) designed to make it easy to create beautiful, polished, easy-to-read slides in a wide range of styles. Think of it like trying on sunglasses–with a little patience, you’ll find the perfect theme to suit your unique style and mood.

Around here we all have our go-to themes. I am partial to Tabletop and Zissou, Adam favors Starship and Cinematic, and Kevin often chooses Five Seven Five or  Kalamazoo (which is his hometown, after all). But we all also like to push our creative boundaries and let our content inspire our theme choices.

For example, when I’m making something for work, like this press release, I often like to go with a really crisp, modern theme like Volterra.

Bringing More Beauty to Presentations – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

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Haiku Deck Tutorial: Getting Started

Getting Started with Haiku Deck

Welcome to Haiku Deck–we’re glad to have you in our creative community! Here’s an overview of how to get started from the Main Menu of the iPad app.

Looking for help with the Web AppClick here to go to our Haiku Deck Web App User Guide.

First, here’s a fun video where you can meet Haiku Deck.

When you first open the iPad app, you’ll need to sign in or create a new account to get started. You can create a new account using Facebook, Twitter, or your email address – for more information, check out our article about accounts here.

Important: Be sure to make a note of how you sign in, because you’ll want to sign in to our website and iPad app the same way to take advantage of all the awesome features available between the two.

Sample Decks

Once you’re signed in, you’ll see two sample Haiku Decks: “Haiku Deck In Action” and “What is Haiku Deck?”  Tap the PLAY button in the center of a deck to view it.

Haiku Deck Tutorial: Sample Decks

Tap the Play button to view a deck

Just use your finger to swipe left and right to try out the basic navigation and view the slides. You’ll get a sense of the visual style of Haiku Deck, an overview of how it works, and the kinds of things you can create with it.

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Telling Your Story

Your Story

We believe everybody has amazing stories to tell. Yes, you! And we’d love to hear your story, in Haiku Deck form.

Here’s an example I particularly love, from Haiku Deck Guru Megan Hunt:

Hi I’m Megan – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

You see, Haiku Deck isn’t just for stand-up-and-talk-to-a-crowd presentations. It’s a unique, fun way to introduce yourself–to say what you’re all about, what you believe, and what makes you tick. I’ve posted my own Haiku Deck story on our websiteadded it to my LinkedIn profile, and shared it with people I’m collaborating with but haven’t had a chance to meet in person. (Click to view the full Haiku Deck with notes.)

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Announcing our Mother’s Day Contest Winners!

Happy Mother’s Day!

We had such a great response to our Mother’s Day contest—thank you so much to everyone who participated!

Our Grand Prize Winner!

There were so many fantastic decks it was difficult to choose, but this one by Josh Zagorski (and his two super cute little boys) really touched our hearts. We hope their #1 mom loves it, along with her new iPad Mini! Congratulations, Jenn!

Things We Learned From Mom – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

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Teacher Appreciation! Tips for Using Haiku Deck in the Classroom

We always appreciate our teachers and we want to give a special shout-out to all of the amazing, innovative, inspiring educators in our creative community, all around the world!

National Teacher Appreciation Day – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

Teacher Appreciation Tips

Just for our teachers, we’ve collected a few power tips to make your lives easier, save you time, and keep you (and your students) inspired.

1. Turning Auto-Capitalization Off (iPad only)

If you’d like students to practice correct capitalization as they work, you might also want to adjust the auto-capitalization setting as you’re signing in to your classroom account on each iPad. From the Main Screen, tap the Settings wheel, then adjust the Use Auto-Capitalization? toggle to OFF. Read more about Main Menu settings here.

Teacher Appreciation Tips: Toggling Auto-Capitalization On and Off

Toggling Auto-Capitalization On and Off

2. Teaching Digital Citizenship

Haiku Deck not only helps students focus their message and explore visual storytelling, it’s a great tool for teaching digital citizenship as well. The app’s unique  image search taps into more than 35 million beautiful, high-quality images that have been made available for (free) use under Creative Commons license, and proper attribution is pulled in automatically. From Play mode on the iPad, tap the CC logo in the bottom right corner to view the photographer as well as the type of Creative Commons license. In Web view, look for the CC logo in the bottom black bar. Read more about our Creative Commons image search here.

3. Image Searching

Haiku Deck does include an explicit terms filter, which prevents searches on naughty terms. Unfortunately, we can’t control how photographers tag their photos, and it is possible for some “inappropriate” images to appear in the search results. (This is why Haiku Deck has a 12+ rating in the app store; you can read more about that here.)

We’re working on ways to improve this, but in the meantime, we’ve been thrilled to see many forward-looking teachers using this as an opportunity to work with their students on digital responsibility as well as digital citizenship. There are also some creative workarounds if you’d like to use Haiku Deck with your students and are concerned about image results:

  • Do some searching on your topic ahead of time to look for (and possibly discuss) trouble spots.
  • Create a folder or set of pre-screened images in Google Drive, Flickr, or Dropbox for your students to access.
  • If you’re using the iPad app, have students generate their own images by using the iPad camera (here’s an example), or by creating illustrations and pulling them in off the camera roll, like this one:
Teacher Appreciation Tips: Sample Haiku Deck Using Student Artwork

Sample Haiku Deck Using Student Artwork

4. Publishing Without Email

We heard from teachers that many classrooms don’t have access to email, so you can publish straight to the website from the iPad. Tap SHARE, then select one or more categories and tap PUBLISH, and your deck will be published to your Gallery on the Haiku Deck website. If you like, you can tap COPY URL to grab the link right from the iPad app, and click the EMBED button from the Web App to copy the deck URL. You can read more about publishing and sharing here.

5. Adding Notes and Printing

By limiting the amount of text on each slide, Haiku Deck encourages students to keep their message focused and to discuss their topic (instead of reading slides word for word). They can take their decks to the next level by adding supporting details and even links to more resources in the Public Notes area under the yellow icon on the left. (Tip: You can then click DOWNLOAD on the web (look for the text buttons immediately to the left of the deck) to create a great-looking PDF that you can save, email, or even print that includes the notes.) Read more about adding Notes here.

Teacher Appreciation Tips: Sample Haiku Deck with Notes

Sample Haiku Deck with Notes

6. Embedding in a Classroom Blog or Site

If you have a class blog or website, you can easily embed your Haiku Decks right from the app or from the website. From the iPad app, tap SHARE, then PUBLISH, then POST TO BLOG. From the web, look for the EMBED button to the left of the deck (it’s an icon with two brackets like these: <>). In either case, simply copy the code string and paste to your blog. Read more about embedding Haiku Decks here, and see a couple of Haiku Decks embedded in this great post on Free Technology for Teachers.

7. Ideas

If you’d like to see how educators are using Haiku Deck for a wide range of teaching purposes, from fact gathering to creative expression, be sure to visit our Education Case Studies Pinterest board frequently–we add new examples every week.

Teacher Appreciation Tips: Haiku Deck Education Case Studies on Pinterest

Haiku Deck Education Case Studies Pinterest Board

More Inspiration

You also might enjoy reading about 4th graders creating sensory poems and character studies, Haiku Deck for vocabulary development, and Haiku Deck Goes New School. We also invite you to participate in our brand-new Haiku EDU community on Google+.

And if you’d like us to feature your work, please email link(s) to, or tweet us using the hashtag #hdgallery.

Teachers, thank you so much for everything you do! And if you have a question we didn’t answer or a tip you’d like to share, let us know! Drop us a line with our support community, anytime!



Mother’s Day Contest: Things I Learned from Mom

Happy Mother’s Day!

I’ve given my mom plenty of books and flowers over the years for Mother’s Day, and this time I took a different tack. I created a special Haiku Deck to tell her all the important things she’s taught me over the years (click to view):

Things I Learned From Mom – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

One of the best things I’ve learned from mom is that anything is possible (yes, we really did find that hearing aid on the beach the next day), so here’s what I propose: How about a Haiku Deck Mother’s Day tradition? It would be so amazing to see an outpouring of Haiku Decks capturing the most memorable lessons our moms have passed down. Let’s fill the world with beautiful Mother’s Day Haiku Decks that are as unique and inspiring as our moms.

As an added bonus, I’ll personally pick the most creative, inspiring deck and send an iPad mini to the winner’s mom. I’ll even spend 30 minutes on the phone to personally teach her how to use Haiku Deck. (On that note, you can read how my own mom Ellen inspires us to keep things simple, and get her famous brisket recipe in Haiku Deck form, on our blog.)

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iPads in the Classroom: Sensory Poems and Character Studies

We love seeing how innovative educators are using Haiku Deck to bring creativity to iPads in the classroom. When we saw tweets from Annie Lafont (of Acacia Elementary in Fullerton, CA) about her students’ storytelling projects, we got in touch to hear more.

iPads in the Classroom: 4th Graders using Haiku Deck at Acacia Elementary

4th graders using Haiku Deck at Acacia Elementary

Q&A with Fourth Grade Teacher Annie Lafont

Haiku Deck: What inspired you to try Haiku Deck?

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Presentation Inspiration: Haiku Deck 2.0 in Action

We hope you’ve had a chance to download the latest version of Haiku Deck, try out all the cool new features, and set some new kinds of stories free! Our Gallery is bursting with beautiful decks, and for your own presentation inspiration, here are a few of our favorites. (Hot tip: you can now browse the Gallery right from the app! Learn more here.)


In “Through the Noise,” Fenella Olynick uses short lists (and the striking Picaresque theme) effectively to deliver her “students matter, teachers care” message. (Learn more about creating lists here.)

Through The Noise – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Colorful Backgrounds

If you’ve experimented with solid-color slide backgrounds, you might have noticed that the palette of color choices has been expanded. We love mixing in solid-color slides to punctuate the flow of a presentation. Check out how Therese Beale uses them to make her message pop in “Message Gap: Three Clues You Have One.” (Learn how to select a solid-color background here.)

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Presentation Boot Camp Recap

I just wrapped up a series of three webinars, Presentation Boot Camp for Power Agents, with our friends at TruliaPro. I have attended plenty of webinars and given many talks to audiences of all sizes, but presenting a webinar was an entirely new experience.

What was hardest to get used to was…the silence! I wasn’t nervous about talking to 1,000+ people, but I realized how much I depend on visual and audio cues to develop a connection with my audience, to read how things are going, and adjust. It was as disconcerting as the first time I rehearsed my Ignite talk with the slides timed to auto-advance every 15 seconds. But, just like the Ignite talk or any new presentation experience, practicing was the key. By the third session, the host and I had developed a comfortable back-and-forth dialogue to keep things moving, even though we’ve never actually met in person! (Hai-5, Jovan!)

Session 1: Three Keys to Presentations that Wow

Presentation Rehab & Workshop – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

In the first session, Three Keys to Presentations that Wow, we covered some presentation best practices that are central to Haiku Deck, but that can be applied no matter what presentation tool you’re using: in a nutshell, keep things simple, beautiful, and fun. We also touched on the #1 mistake that most presenters make (and which I’ve certainly made myself in the past), which is treating your slides like content-rich documents instead of visual aids to illustrate and enrich your message. Using the Haiku Deck Notes feature is a great way to avoid this pitfall.

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Power Tips for Haiku Deck Lists

Advanced Lists

If you’ve already mastered the basics of creating lists in Haiku Deck, it’s time to level up with some power tips!

1. Haiku Deck automatically adjusts the spacing for your list, based on the longest item. The less text you have, and the more uniform your items are in length, the better your lists will look.

2. If you need to reorder your list items, the built-in iPad cut and paste feature will save time. Hold your finger on your text, then choose Select or Select All, then CutCopy, or Paste.

3. Your list title will be centered by default. To choose left alignment, tap the green Layout icon, select your preferred layout, and tap the green DONE button.

Haiku Deck Lists: Adjusting list layout

Haiku Deck for iPad: Choose left alignment or centered

4. If you’re using a solid color background, choose one that coordinates with your theme. In the example below, the dark blue color looks great with the Zissou palette for charts and graphs.

Haiku Deck Lists: Using a solid color background

Haiku Deck for iPad: Match the background to your theme

We’d love to see your Haiku Deck lists! Send your links to

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