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An Awesome Five-Minute Method to Promote Your Blog

We’ve long been a fan of incorporating visuals into blogging and marketing efforts. Images not only improve the appearance of your blog post, adding color and grabbing attention — they have been shown to drive engagement and social sharing among your readers.

But recently we’ve noticed some creative thinkers in our community using Haiku Deck in some cool ways to promote their blog content. Here are a few of our favorites.

Method 1: Create Custom Visuals to Drive Traffic

Links alone are boring, but links with beautiful images get noticed. The content managers at Bruce Clay, Inc. use Haiku Deck to create one-slide custom visuals to promote blog content on their social media channels. Here’s an example from Google+, where gorgeous visuals really shine.

The Haiku Deck slide crisply captures the blog content in a way that’s easy to read and understand, and definitely stands out in the stream. To this, we say +1!

Tips: Showcasing a beautiful image with minimal text is your goal here. You can import your own image, or use our Creative Commons image search to pick out an image that perfectly captures the topic of your post to use as the background. You’ll then want to include the title of your post  with a minimal amount of text — think of it like a headline.

Method 2: Create a Slideshow Summary to Share with a Larger Audience

The team at PGi uses Haiku Deck to create awesome slideshow summaries that they embed right in their blog post and upload to SlideShare to gain more traction. Uploading to SlideShare makes it easy to share widely — they’ll tweet it and post it on Google+, LinkedIn, and other social media channels to really cast a wide net.

Below is their slideshow summary based on their original blog post here.

Tips: Here, you’re basically creating a preview of your post that summarizes your ideas and piques interest. You can include intriguing pull quotes and interesting data points. Blog content focused on a list of tips or how-to steps lends itself beautifully to this format. Be sure to include a link back to your blog — you can either highlight it on a slide (using a link shortener here helps) or include it in the Notes field.

Method 3: Create a Video to Cross-Promote on Your Social Media Platforms

Videos allow you to expand your cross-promotion efforts of your content onto YouTube, and provides you with another content piece to promote on your other social media platforms. Here’s another great example from Bruce Clay Inc. — check out how they’ve turned their Haiku Deck recap summarizing a blog post on 6 ways to repurpose blog content into a video.

how to promote your blog

Tips: One of the great things about YouTube videos is that they can sync with your Google+ page, making it super easy for your followers to share and comment. Also try adding music for an extra element of fun or add narration to include more supporting details, and make sure to include a link back to the blog post in the info box. Converting a Haiku Deck into a video is quite simple, and we’ve written a helpful article on how to do that here.

How to Promote Your Blog – Additional Resources

And of course, if there’s ever anything we can help you out with, drop us a line!

How To Host a Twitter Chat with Style

Quiet chaos — that’s the phrase we tend to use to capture the distinct energy of a Twitter chat. {Also, fun!} For making new connections and getting a fresh flow of inspiration, we love a good Twitter chat as much as you do. We also wanted to share our tips for using Haiku Deck to simplify the task of organizing and promoting your chat, so you can keep your focus on the connecting and getting inspired part.

Promote Your Chat

Use Haiku Deck to spread the word about your chat in a visual format that will stand out and get people engaged in your topic. It’s a great way to call out the the Twitter handles of the hosts/moderators and any guests, the date and time (don’t forget to mention the time zone!), and of course, the hashtag. Here’s a simple Haiku Deck template we’ve created to make this super easy.

Twitter Chat Publicity Template – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Introduce Your Questions

Want to really wow your chat participants? Introduce your questions with visuals, not just text. We recommend creating a slide for each question, exporting your deck to PowerPoint/Keynote, and then saving your slides as images.

You can then simply upload the image along with your tweet when you schedule your questions. (Bonus: You can do all this ahead of time, and it only takes a few minutes!)

how to host a twitter chat

Click to view the full deck of questions we created for #1to1ipadchat

Recap the Highlights

Haiku Deck is also a quick and easy way to share the killer sound bites and takeaways from your chat. The example below from Lisa Buyer‘s #SEOChat recap deck has a combination of imported images that she’s created on her own to introduce each question, with screenshots taken right from Twitter highlighting answers from a few of her chat participants.

You can then tweet this recap out to share with chat participants and those who missed it, along with sharing and posting it on your other social media channels.

#SEOchat – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

We hope this gives you some fresh new ideas for your next Twitter chat — and if you use any of these techniques, be sure to let us know so we can share with our creative community. And as usual, if you have any questions, we’re always here to help!

Additional Resources

More Inspiration


How to Enrich Conferences and Events with Haiku Deck

Enlivening Events

If you’re speaking at conferences or events, we certainly hope you’re using Haiku Deck (and your audience will thank you, too)! But there are plenty of ways to use Haiku Deck to circulate ideas, capture inspiration, and build relationships–even if you’re in the audience, or attending virtually.

Before the Event

If you’re organizing an event, creating a Haiku Deck is a great way to build awareness and excitement ahead of time. You can easily post these decks to your blog or website and circulate them (regularly) across all of your social media channels. Here’s a Haiku Deck created to build buzz for the LAUNCH festival organized by Jason Calicanis:

Tips and best practices:

  • Prominently feature the name, location, and date of your event.
  • Include short testimonials from previous event attendees.
  • Include quotes from featured speakers (these can also be drawn from the session descriptions on your website).
  • Use a compelling mix of literal, evocative, and abstract images.
  • Highlight specific program highlights and sessions.
  • Mention and thank sponsors.
  • Include a final slide with the event website, hashtag, and other key contact info.
  • Use the public notes feature to add links or other supporting details.
  • Be sure to notify anyone you’re quoted or mentioned in your deck and encourage them to share with their own networks (Twitter works especially well for this).
  • Even if you’re not organizing the event, you can create a Haiku Deck to reflect on your goals and thoughts beforehand, like this one by Rafranz Davis.

More “before the event” Haiku Decks:

During the Event

You can also use Haiku Deck as a fun and unique idea-sharing tool, to capture quotable gems and circulate them with your networks.

You can create a Haiku Deck recap of a particular talk, like this one by Haiku Deck Guru Wendy Townley at the ALT Summit:

Another approach is to create a “highlights” Haiku Deck, with sound bites from a wide range of speakers. Here’s an example I made while sitting in the audience at the XConomy Mobile Madness Northwest Forum:

Here’s an excellent example by the Bruce Clay team, combining Haiku Deck slides with “live blog” links to offer in-depth coverage of SMX West 2014.

Capturing events with Haiku Deck: Example from SMX West 2014

Click to view the full Haiku Deck with notes and links

Tips and best practices:

  • Consider creating the first few slides of your deck to set context in advance, so you can give the speaker(s) your full attention.
  • You can either take notes and create your Haiku Deck later, or create your Haiku Deck “live,” giving it a final polish later before you publish.
  • Select a theme that suits the speaker’s style or talk topic.
  • Use a mix of literal and evocative images, or some abstract imagery that complements the topic.
  • If there’s an event hashtag, keep an eye out for photos attendees have taken that you can incorporate into your deck, or sound bites you might have missed. (Bonus: Tweets are usually short enough to fit on a Haik Deck slide.)
  • You can even make a Haiku Deck of sound bites if you’re following along virtually, via Twitter and an event hashtag–I created this one, of the closing keynote at IntegratED PDX, on the train since I couldn’t be in the room during the talk.

More “during the event” Haiku Decks:

After the Event

Creating a Haiku Deck is also a powerful way to reflect on a conference and share your observations, key trends, or things that inspired you. As you review your notes, you can build a deck that captures your experience, like this one by Haiku Deck Guru Simon McKenzie:

How to Enrich Conferences and Events with Haiku Deck

Click to view the full Haiku Deck with notes

Tips and best practices:

More “After the Event” Haiku Decks:

The Main Event

Of course, if you are up on stage, and you did use Haiku Deck for your slides (Hai-5!), don’t forget to share them with the event attendees using the social share and embed buttons–and with us! Send a link to your deck to, and we’ll consider them for our Featured or Popular Gallery or our Pinterest boards.


23 Ways to Share Your Haiku Deck

So you’ve created an amazing Haiku Deck, something you’re proud of. Something you want to show to anyone and everyone, including the innocent bystander standing next to you on the subway platform. Well, we agree. It’s time to set your beautiful story free! And there are so many ways to do it, both straight from the app on your iPad or from the Haiku Deck website. Here’s how!

Sharing from the app

1. Play your deck directly from your iPad, the modern and engaging way to pitch to a small group. And with the parallax effect at work, advancing your slides has never been sexier.

2. Connect your iPad directly to a projector for a “1: many” talk, either through a direct connection with an iPad VGA adaptor.


3. with Apple TV via Airplay. For more on how to do this, check out this post.

4. Email your deck to yourself. Doing this generates a very useful web link. By clicking through this link, you will be magically transported to your gallery on the website, where you can add notes, set your privacy, see how many views you’re generating, or get selected for our Gallery or one of our highly prestigious Pinterest boards…must we go on?

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