Compassion Counts!
Last week we had so much fun hosting Haiku Deck Guru Susan Spellman Cann at HDHQ. She arrived with fresh flowers from the Pike Place Market and a huge box of goodies from Bishop Carroll High School, where she works as a school counsellor. Susan has been an incredibly special part of our community pretty much since we launched, but it was awesome to meet face to face!

Susan with Lisa, our Customer Evangelist
“If I commit to something, I really commit to it.”
Susan takes her role as a Guru incredibly seriously. “If I commit to something, I really commit to it,” she says. In the previous 24 hours, she had evangelized Haiku Deck to the businessman sitting next to her on the plane from Calgary, her taxi driver, and a photographer selling his artwork in the market. (We joked that the best way to spread the word about Haiku Deck might be to just send Susan on a world tour.)
We have long admired Susan’s beautiful Haiku Decks filled with positive messages of caring and compassion, but as we talked it became clear how much Haiku Deck is part of her personal mission to make an impact on young people’s lives, in her community and well beyond. “I believe Haiku Deck can change the world,” she said. “Powerpoint isn’t going to change the world. But Haiku Deck can.”
“I believe Haiku Deck can change the world.”
Here is one of Susan’s decks that has been viewed more than 40,000 times, clear evidence that her inspiring thoughts and words have resonated and spread far beyond her school and city:
Over lunch, she told us the story of a troubled student who decided not to harm herself because Susan happened to smile at her in the hallway (we can attest that she is authentically full of smiles). This powerful moment inspired “One Kind Word”: