AuthorCatherine Carr

23 Ways to Share Your Haiku Deck

So you’ve created an amazing Haiku Deck, something you’re proud of. Something you want to show to anyone and everyone, including the innocent bystander standing next to you on the subway platform. Well, we agree. It’s time to set your beautiful story free! And there are so many ways to do it, both straight from the app on your iPad or from the Haiku Deck website. Here’s how!

Sharing from the app

1. Play your deck directly from your iPad, the modern and engaging way to pitch to a small group. And with the parallax effect at work, advancing your slides has never been sexier.

2. Connect your iPad directly to a projector for a “1: many” talk, either through a direct connection with an iPad VGA adaptor.


3. with Apple TV via Airplay. For more on how to do this, check out this post.

4. Email your deck to yourself. Doing this generates a very useful web link. By clicking through this link, you will be magically transported to your gallery on the website, where you can add notes, set your privacy, see how many views you’re generating, or get selected for our Gallery or one of our highly prestigious Pinterest boards…must we go on?

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Blog Inspiration: Guest Q&A with Megan Hunt

We’re delighted to announce our newest Haiku Deck Guru: entrepreneur, blogger, and all-around creative force Megan Hunt, a.k.a. Princess Lasertron. Megan’s high-style Haiku Decks have been wowing us for weeks, and we finally had a chance to hear more about how she’s using the app–and how it provided blog inspiration for Radvent, her latest creative undertaking.

Q&A with Megan Hunt

Haiku Deck: So, what inspired you to start using Haiku Deck?

Megan: I found out about Haiku Deck when I saw a business use it to pitch during a local Startup Weekend competition. I’m always super interested in trying new apps that seem like they’d make my life a little easier (particularly in the context of entrepreneurship). I thought Haiku Deck had a cute name and seemed promising, so I downloaded it and was immediately hooked. For me, the sparseness of the app makes it as fun to play with as it is useful. It honestly reminds me of the hours spent toying with HyperStudio as a kid. Really. It’s just fun.

Stuff You Need To Know About Me – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

Haiku Deck: Could you tell us a little bit about how you’ve been using it?

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The Superiority of Simplicity: Guest Q&A with Ethos3

Our friends at Ethos3 have been working for years to fight against the dreaded “Death by Powerpoint.” We caught up with Ethos3’s content writer and blogger Maggie Summers to hear her thoughts on simplicity, and how Haiku Deck can help further the cause. 

Haiku Deck: We’re certainly aligned in our quest for simplicity! Tell us more about your take on it.

Maggie: Leonardo da Vinci once said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” The very existence of simplicity implies thorough understanding, as well as thoughtful inclusion and careful omission. It’s far easier to maintain complexity than it is to foster simplicity.

Distilling complexity is worth the effort. Ideas are far easier to understand when they’re presented simply. Points are more easily retained when there’s no clutter or extraneous jargon. In reality, most people just turn off and tune out in the face of complexity.

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication - L. Da Vinci

Creative Commons licensed image by Wesley Fryer

Haiku Deck: And what are your thoughts about Haiku Deck in particular?

We’ve been huge proponents of simplicity since the beginning of Ethos3, so we’re really excited to see this app come into the presentation space. Haiku Deck is essentially a manifestation of the presentation designer’s most important commandment––use big visuals with little text. We think it’s a great resource for the at-home presentation designer striving for simplicity.

Haiku Deck: What’s your advice for people who’d like to simplify their presentation style with Haiku Deck?

Maggie: Don’t be intimidated by Haiku Deck’s two-line per slide limit. Really, the app is doing you a favor by encouraging the use of as little text as possible to convey a point. It forces you to weed out the complicated, and find the simple. How can you disseminate that point in five words instead of ten? How can you narrow that message down into a single, pithy line rather than squeeze it into a bulky two? Simplify.

The two-line limit becomes much less daunting if you restrict yourself to including only one point per slide. There’s no such thing as a presentation that’s too long or too short. In fact, try not to think of length in terms of number of slides at all. More often than not, expanding a 25-slide presentation into a 50-slide presentation presents the same information much more effectively. The quantity of slides isn’t important. The memorability and impact of each individual slide in the deck is what truly matters.

Haiku Deck: What tips do you have for using images effectively?

Maggie: Large visuals also help the presentation designer embrace simplicity. Use visuals that support and nuance the point on a slide. Don’t be overly literal or prosaic with your choice of images. Instead, play up visual metaphors and use humor, irony, and unexpectedness to add depth to the words on the slide. Use text to communicate the essence of your main point, and then use a compelling visual to communicate further its meaning.

Haiku Deck: Any last thoughts?

Maggie: The simple resonates with audiences much more quickly and resoundingly than the complex. Where complexity tends to alienate and dissuade, simplicity implies accessibility and thoughtfulness, inspiring an equal chance at understanding for all.

Here’s a lovely Haiku Deck that Maggie created to capture her thoughts on simplicity:

Simplicity – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

For more tips on embracing simplicity, you might enjoy Maggie’s thoughts on how a presentation is like a backpack on Ethos3.

Would you like to do a guest Q&A for our blog? Please get in touch:

The Gift of Haiku Deck

You don’t need a promo code to give the gift of Haiku Deck, or even your wallet, for that matter. For one thing, 50% off of free is still free (no tax, no shipping, no minimum purchase, no nonsense).

But more to the point, what’s magical about the holidays to us isn’t another cyberspecial or a doorbuster sale. It’s connecting and reflecting. It’s sharing beautiful stories and memories.

So here’s a thought. Put your credit card away and curl up in a cozy spot with a hot chocolate or a hot toddy. You’ll need your iPad, of course, and a little Peggy Lee in the background never hurt anybody. In just a few minutes you can create a unique, beautiful gift from your heart for someone you care about.

Need a little inspiration?
Tell someone you appreciate them.
Tell someone you care about them.
Tell someone you miss them.
Capture a few favorite memories you shared in 2012.

And, because it’s how we do just about everything, here’s some inspiration in Haiku Deck form:

The Gift of Haiku Deck – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

You see, when you give the gift of Haiku Deck, you’re incredibly likely to make someone special smile, laugh, and remember what really matters. And, like most of the best things in life (snowflakes and hugs, just for starters), it is free.

All the best to you and yours,
Team Haiku Deck

Add Notes to Your Haiku Deck

When we interviewed Joby Blume for our blog, one of his key messages was that a presentation is more than just the slides. In his words,

A presentation also needs a presenter. People seem to forget this basic point – slides can be put on SlideShare, or emailed – but without narration that’s not the whole presentation, it’s just the slides. The best way to design slides for SlideShare isn’t the same as the best way to create slides to actually use in a presentation.

Pretty much every presentation design book we’ve read, and every expert we’ve talked to, emphasizes this exact point. And nearly everyone who has put a deck together has fallen into the trap of trying to make their slides work outside of the room in which they’re actually presented. Garr Reynolds of Presentation Zen fame calls this kind of hybrid approach–slides that repeat what the presenter says, with too much detail–a slideument. He also advises against it.

Haiku Deck, by design, encourages you to simplify by limiting the amount of text on each slide, but we get that there’s often more to your story. Just last week our friends at Edelman Seattle invited us to do a “Presentation Intervention,” and I put together this deck to explain what we’re about and outline some strategies to make presentations more captivating.

I built the deck around high-impact imagery with minimal text, and it worked beautifully in the room, but if you weren’t in the room, the takeaways wouldn’t be as clear. So I’m particularly excited about an awesome new Haiku Deck feature: the ability to add notes to the web view of your deck, so you can complete the picture.

Adding notes to my deck allowed me to explain the ideas behind each slide, so my story can live on outside the room.

Screen shot from Set Your Story Free, with New Notes View

Click to view the whole deck with notes.

How to Add Notes to Your Haiku Deck

To add notes to a new Haiku Deck (or to round out one you’ve already created), simply publish your deck and click through to view it on our website. Be sure you’re logged in to the site using the same credentials you use to log in from the app.

When you view your deck, you’ll see title and notes fields on the right. You can add text to either or both fields. Click the blue Save button, or click Preview to see how your text will appear in its final layout. Then advance to the next slide to add more notes.

Once you have your notes the way you like them, you can click Download at the bottom of your screen to create a very snappy-looking PDF you can use as a handout or downloadable ebook. Here’s a sample page:

PDF Handout View of Haiku Deck with Notes

sample handout page

Please try out the Notes feature, and let us know what you think! In the coming weeks we’ll be on the lookout for Haiku Decks with Notes for our Gallery, so if you create one, please let us know.


How a Colorado Realtor Used Haiku Deck to Land a $1.4M Listing

In an industry as detail-oriented and spreadsheet-heavy as real estate, it might seem there’s no avoiding PowerPoint. But John James, a broker out of Steamboat Springs, has broken the mold by using Haiku Deck to present to potential clients. John’s novel approach wowed his audience, landing him a $1.4 million listing. The story, covered by Chris Smith on InmanNext, has gotten big-time buzz, and we’ve seen realtors around the globe taking note. We reached out to John to hear firsthand how he made the switch to win the pitch.

Q&A with John James

Haiku Deck: Why did you decide to try Haiku Deck for your business?

John: I was trying to do a comparative market analysis provided by my MLS site. I was getting annoyed at how much work it was and how clunky it looked. Also, the presentation didn’t feel like mine. Finally, I said “Screw it!” and pulled up Haiku Deck on my iPad. I had only briefly toyed around with it up to that point. It took me minutes to put together on Haiku Deck what I had tried to do for hours on Powerpoint.

I also have to thank Chris Smith of InmanNext and Robert Scoble of RackSpace, who both had great things to say about the app and influenced my decision to download. {See Robert Scoble’s video review of Haiku Deck here.}

Haiku Deck: And how did it turn out?

John: My biggest takeaway on Haiku Deck is how its visual impact transformed my presentation. The key for me was having a limited amount of words per slide, which helped me focus my presentation. The images the app pulled up, along with my own photos, made dry market statistics come to life. It ended up being exactly the way I wanted it to be.

Here’s the Haiku Deck John created:

Base Area Market Analysis – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

And here’s what his clients had to say about it:

“The information you presented was so much easier to understand than any of the others. That’s why we went with you.”

John, high-five on your Haiku Deck coup! This also leaves us wondering…what other kinds of pitches are ripe for transformation with Haiku Deck? We’d love to hear your ideas (and your success stories) in the comments!

Haiku Deck for Real Estate: More Inspiration

See more great real estate case studies and presentation resources on our blog. And our Real Estate Case Studies Pinterest board collects dozens of great uses of Haiku Deck by real estate pros.

Case Study: How KeseyPollock Revved Up Their Kickstarter Campaign with Haiku Deck

Every day at HDHQ we love checking out the daily report, which showcases the decks that have been published in the past 24 hours. It’s like a dynamic visual poem of the hundreds of stories being created with Haiku Deck each day. We look for decks to showcase in our Gallery and power users to become Haiku Deck gurus. It’s how we keep our finger on the creative pulse and get new ideas for making Haiku Deck better and more useful.

Every once in a while, one of us notices a Haiku Deck that’s so mind-blowingly awesome we get the team to drop everything and huddle around a desk to check it out. This was one of those.

KeseyPollock: Women In Art Photo Project – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;
The creative use of visuals really make this Haiku Deck a work of art in and of itself, but we were really intrigued by how these young artists used Haiku Deck to drive support for their Kickstarter campaign (now in its final hours–be sure to check it out!). We got in touch with Steph and Erin of KeseyPollock, who shared their story.

Haiku Deck: How did you end up using Haiku Deck?

KeseyPollock: We heard about it from our friend Debbie’s GoldieBlox Kickstarter campaign! As women artists seeking funds in a city that is currently celebrating lots of women artists (many of them already dead!), we wanted to communicate our role in that lineage. We wanted to celebrate the beautiful women of this city, the amazing artists and the potential for a vibrant city of arts, highlighting how important it is to support contemporary art if we want it to continue to exist. Haiku Deck allowed us to do this in a quick, visual, easy-to understand way. We really didn’t have the time or equipment to do a video. But we wanted a platform that was easy and fast to click through, where the pictures conveyed a narrative message.

Haiku Deck: How did you go about making and circulating your Haiku Deck?

KeseyPollock: Nothing fancy. We simply made signs, asked lots of women in Seattle to hold them and participate in what we called a photo-poem, and took photos with our phones. To circulate it, we just sent it to all of our friends!

Haiku Deck: And how has the response been?

KeseyPollock: The response has been great. It really helped us bridge the gap between all the celebration of women artists and what we are trying to do right now.




Haiku Deck Tutorial

We’ve tried to make Haiku Deck as simple and intuitive to use as possible, but here’s our ultimate resource guide to help you get started. If there’s a question we didn’t answer, visit our support community or let us know in the comments! We’re always here to help.

New to Haiku Deck? Check out our Quick Guide to using Haiku Deck here!

Get to Know Haiku Deck

Here’s quick video intro to Haiku Deck:

Beginning Resources

Tip: If you need a little help, simply head to the “?” for quick in-app assistance.

The “?” provides in-app help.

Videos: Haiku Deck iPad App Tutorials

Using Images and Visuals

All About Notes

Save, Publish, and Share

Blogging with Haiku Deck

Presenting Your Haiku Deck


More Resource Guides


If we didn’t answer your question here, you can visit our support community anytime for quick, and personalized, help.

Join our community!

Now….time to set your story free! Send a link to your deck to, and we’ll consider them for our Featured or Popular Gallery or our Pinterest boards. You can also tweet it with the hashtag #hdgallery.

Haiku Deck Supports Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts


Outside of Dogfish Head Beer and Joe Biden, my sweet little home state of Delaware doesn’t make the news all that frequently. Yesterday, of course, was a different story, and I had a hard time tearing myself away from the photos of familiar spots in Rehoboth Beach–perhaps my favorite place on the planet–being battered by waves and flooded by  seawater and sand. Being thousands of miles away, watching and waiting to hear from friends and family, makes you feel, well, helpless.

But there are ways to help, and Kevin thought of a cool one—he proposed that we donate the net proceeds from this week’s in-app purchases to the Red Cross to support disaster relief efforts. So if you’ve been thinking about picking up a few new themes, this week those dollars will go to a very good cause that’s close to our hearts.

We also thought Haiku Deck would be a great way to spread the word about quick things you can do to help those affected by the monster storm. We’re working on all of them.

Hurricane Sandy: How You Can Help – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Please help our tiny company make a big impact by spreading the word and sharing this Haiku Deck far and wide. And to all our East Coast friends, we’re thinking about you.







Are You a Haiku Deck Guru?

We’ve seen some amazing advocacy and evangelism around Haiku Deck, with fans sending us haikus, blogging about the app, innovating with it, using it to give presentations at conferences, and spreading the word through Twitter chats and events. We decided to make it official by inviting select superusers to become Haiku Deck Gurus.

Meet the Haiku Deck Gurus

We currently have about 25 gurus, representing seven countries and three continents, and they are an amazing, inspiring, diverse bunch!

Haiku Deck Gurus: Areas of Expertise

Decks by our Gurus appear frequently in our Featured and Popular Galleries–Visual Storytelling by photographer and educator Ken Shelton, for example, has been enjoyed by more than 11,000 viewers. School counselor Susan Spellman Cann is one of our most prolific creators, bringing her uplifting messages to deck after beautiful deck. Blogger Wendy Townley created a series of gorgeous Haiku Decks to recap her experience at the Alt Design Summit. Simon McKenzie’s manifesto, the New Mindset, has struck a chord with educators worldwide and is one of the most frequently shared Haiku Decks. Creative marketer Nick Armstrong offers up his own Haiku Deck manifesto, WTF Marketing, on his site.

To date we’ve featured guest Q&As with education Guru Jeremy Macdonald, blogger and entrepreneur Megan Hunt, and realtor John James on our blog. You can also follow our Gurus on Twitter, see more examples of their work on Pinterest, and hang out with them on Google+, where new Guru and new media expert Mark Traphagen is helping us build awareness.

Haiku Deck Guru Program Details

If you’re interested in becoming a Haiku Deck Guru yourself, here’s what we’re looking for, how it works, and how to apply:

Like Haiku Deck, we promise to make the Guru experience simple, beautiful, and fun.

Questions? Nominations? Inspirations? Let us know!



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