Tagcase study

Best How To Haiku Deck: 50 Small Ways to Improve Customer Service


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Best “How To” Haiku Deck: “The Thank You Effect,” by Greg Meyer

We live and breathe this every day (be sure check out our amazing support forum if you haven’t already), but we think this “how to” Haiku Deck is impressive for both its scope and its thought-provoking tips. From “Commit Random Acts of Wow” to “Eat Your Own Dog Food,” customer experience expert Greg Meyer offers up dozens of “small actions that prompt meaningful next steps to measurably improve service in any company.”

Click to find out how to improve customer service by inspiring the thank you effect, and be sure to check out all five finalists to learn how to sell a home in a hot market, scope a project effectively, draw a cartoon face, and supercharge your productivity!—50-small-ways-to-improve-customer-service

Most Creative Hook: Julius Solaris of Event Manager Blog


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Most Creative Hook: Julius Solaris of Event Manager Blog

This clever piece of content marketing turns the tables and enumerates tips for conference presenters–from the perspective of the event planner. With humorous images and  hard-hitting copy, Julius Solaris gently (and not so gently) reminds speakers that “Your time is not about you, it’s about them,” that the time slot is not a suggestion, and–our favorite—slides that look like this “are not cool.” (Full disclosure: Julius completes the picture with a companion piece titled “Dear Event Planner, I Hate You. Sincerely, Your Speaker” on his Event Manager blog.)

Click to peruse Julius’s clever list of do’s and don’ts for speakers, and be sure to check out all five finalists for some supercharged creative inspiration!

Haiku Deck #hdbestof2013 Most Creative Hook: Julius Solaris of Event Manager Blog

“Dear Speaker, I Loathe You,” by Julius Solaris of Event Manager Blog


Best Education Case Study: Pat Johnson’s 1st and 2nd Grade Classroom


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Best Education Case Study: Pat Johnson’s 1st and 2nd Grade Classroom

Pat Johnson’s 1st and 2nd graders (now in 2nd and 3rd grade) have used Haiku Deck to capture what they’ve learned about anacondas, showcase their artwork illustrating historical events, and explore fractions. They used the integrated Creative Commons image search to collect pictures and facts about hummingbirds and to explore the concept of big and little. When we released charts and graphs last spring, they created graphs illustrating how many views their class decks had received.

We love this case study both for the breadth of creative uses across content areas and because how it illustrates so beautifully that even very young students can successfully collaborate and create with the app.

Click to view Titanic, a collaborative collection of drawings and facts by Pat Johnson’s class, and be sure to check out all five of the outstanding finalists for more inspiring examples from both students and teachers.

Titanic – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires


Best Blogging Case Study: Emma Fexeus


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Best Blogging Case Study: Emma Fexeus

Swedish design blogger Emma Fexeus embedded Desiree Groenendal’s “The Mini Company” in her popular design blog, driving huge numbers of views, and then began creating her own Haiku Decks. We love the inventive way she’s used Haiku Deck to publish her weekly editorial schedule and her site’s statistics in a striking, visual format — she even added a beautiful roundup of 2013 design trends since we announced the finalists. We can’t wait to see what creative uses she’ll think of next.

Click to see how Emma Fexeus plans out her blog’s recurring features with Haiku Deck, and don’t miss all five finalists in the best blogging case study category, which was particularly difficult to judge because they were all so outstanding!

Haiku Deck #hdbestof2013 Best Blogging Case Study: Emma Fexeus

“Weekly Editorial Schedule,” by Emma Fexeus



Best Conference or Event Deck: Positive User Experience


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Best Conference or Event Deck: “Positive User Experience,” by Michele Mizejewski

Michele Mizejewski, who leads web initiatives at the University of California San Francisco library, showcased Automattic’s P2 WordPress theme at WordCamp SF 2013 with this vivid, punchy Haiku Deck. Her creative, well-chosen visuals illustrate how P2 is like a Reese’s peanut butter cup, and how “silos are the enemy of good user experience.” We particularly appreciate how she used the bold Novella theme and interspersed screenshots to clearly illustrate her points and demonstrate the functionality of P2. How awesome would it be if all event speakers presented informative content with such personality and flair?

Click to see how P2 is WordPress with a dash of shibboleth, and be sure to check out all five of the outstanding finalists in this category.

Positive UX: The Power of P2 – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires


Best Business Case Study: Cat’s Print Shop


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Best Business Case Study: “Cat’s Print Shop,” by Cat Barrett

Artist Cat Barrett illustrates her offerings, from wedding silhouette prints to pet silhouette cufflinks, in a lovely Haiku Deck catalog. Her artfully composed photographs, paired with the striking Tabletop theme, work together to showcase her artwork and packaging. We feel any business, large or small, could take a page from Cat’s Print Shop when it comes to showcasing their products or services. Congratulations, Cat! And be sure to check out all five of the best business case study finalists if you missed them before.

Cat’s Print Shop – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

2013 Decks of the Year Finalists: Pure Wow


As the year draws to a close, we want to acknowledge and showcase the many amazing, inspiring decks that have been created by our community in 2013. We’ve selected ten categories, and each day beginning December 16th, we’ll reveal the five finalists in two of those categories.

Pure Wow

Over the course of the week, we’ve celebrated outstanding awesome idea sharing, business case studies, conference & event decks, bloggers, education case studies, creative hooks, how-to decks, “about me” decks, and inspiring presentations. This last set of five, to us, couldn’t be categorized in any other way besides pure wow.

1. Ink, by Paula Guinto

This is one of those visually stunning decks that we all gathered around and ooh’d and aah’d over. Ms P, a middle school teacher a gifted storyteller, recounts the story of her first tattoo, shares her first Instagram, and, through a powerful combination of beautiful, vivid words and images, urges us all to find our story, believe in it, and honor it.

Click to be wowed by Paula’s story, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for the year’s best Pure Wow deck!

Ink: On Celebrating Our Stories 3.0 – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Visual Storytelling, by Ken Shelton

In this deservedly popular deck, Haiku Deck Guru Ken Shelton shares tips for engaging our most dominant sense through color, texture, perspective, and  composition. (This also has to be one of the most arresting cover images we’ve seen!) He also concisely illustrates the difference between effective and ineffective visual storytelling.
Click for a lightning lesson in bringing your story to life visually, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for Ken Shelton’s Pure Wow!

Visual Storytelling – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

3. The Book of Play, Alex Smith

The Book of Play is a fun, colorful, precious reminder of the power and beauty of play — for all of us. (Actually, all for one and one for all!) We love how Alex interspersed his own images with Creative Commons ones, and even the Zissou subtitles (in mostly lowercase) feel playful and perfectly placed.
Click to see how play is a little push and a little pull, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for The Book of Play!

The Book of Play – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
by Alex Smith

4. GlobalFootprints: A Travel Photography Project, by Tercia Goh

This is surely one of the most stylish, cohesive, gorgeous Haiku Decks that’s been created to date. A series of beautifully composed Instagram photos and a compelling visual motif take us on a trip around the world, inspiring us to collect moments, not things (though we are kind of smitten with all of those cool shoes, too).

Click to find out how to travel is to evolve, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for the Pure Wow of GlobalFootprints!

Globalfootprints: A Travel Photography Project – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
by Tercia Goh

5. The New Mindset, by Simon McKenzie

Expertly weaving in references to Sir Ken Robinson and the SAMR model, Haiku Deck Guru Simon McKenzie makes a compelling case for professional disenthrallment, asking educators around the globe: what are you prepared to do this year?  Thank you, Simon, for advocating for the new mindset of innovation, student-led learning, and green schools so eloquently!

Click to master the New Mindset, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for its Pure Wow power!

The New Mind Set – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Cast Your Vote!

Don’t forget to help select the winner and bring more visibility to these pure wow Haiku Decks by adding a comment below, sharing your favorite with the #hdbestof2013 hashtag, or dropping us a line at (And, for decks this WOW, more sharing = a win all around!) We’ll select one winner from each category to receive a special Haiku Deck prize (and, of course, creative bragging rights)!

Tips for Unlocking Your Pure Wow

We are here to help you create presentations that are pure wow! Here are a few great resources.



2013 Decks of the Year Finalists: Most Inspiring Presentation


As the year draws to a close, we want to acknowledge and showcase the many amazing, inspiring decks that have been created by our community in 2013. We’ve selected ten categories, and each day beginning December 16th, we’ll reveal the five finalists in two of those categories.

Most Inspiring Presentation

When high-impact messages are paired with powerful visuals, the results are nothing short of inspiring. Our next-to-last Decks of the Year category showcases a few of the very best examples from 2013.

1. Letting Go of Negative Thoughts, by Erin Luong

Don’t define yourself by others’ ideas of perfection, fill a journal with bad thoughts and burn it, and never underestimate the good that you can do. Erin’s simple, powerful messages got a huge audience this spring when her deck was embedded in a popular Mashable article!

Click for inspiration to let go of negative thoughts (just in time for the new year), and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for most inspiring deck of 2013!

Letting Go Of Negative Thoughts – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

2. 9 Tips for My 22-Year-Old Self, by Katie Richman

In this clever deck, ESPN social media director Katie Richman shares wisdom gleaned from the first 10 years of her career. There’s the practical point of reining it in at the company  party, but also reminders that when it comes to your path, you’re in the driver’s seat — i.e., “If you get to that point where you dread Monday, you’ve stayed too long.”

Click to see Katie’s inspiring career advice, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote as the year’s most inspiring Haiku Deck!

3. I’m Not Creative, by Brandon George

With wit and style, Haiku Deck Guru Brandon George of Write the Good Fight spells out “14 guaranteed ways to kick creative ass.” (Case in point: Find the time. You have 24 hours in each day. So did Picasso, Gandhi, and Einstein.) Props to Brandon for using Public Notes so effectively and mixing in some cool charts to drive his points home.

Click to learn how to eat doubt for breakfast, and share Brandon’s awesome creation with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for kicking creative ass!

“I’m Not Creative” (Oh Yeah? Bull$#!%.) – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

 4. Who Matters, by Susan Spellman Cann

Anyone who has met, tweeted with, or read about Haiku Deck Guru and Forever Friend of Haiku Deck Susan can’t help but be inspired by her boundless positive energy. And with more than 75,000 views this year, it’s clear that this simple, heartfelt Haiku Deck (one of many that she created this year) has inspired many.

Click to be reminded that you matter, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to support and spread this important, inspiring message!

Who Matters? – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

5. What I Carry, by Jonathan Colman

This crisp reflection by star content strategist Jonathan Colman headlined on Slideshare and even got picked up by the Huffington Post. From humility (everyone has something to teach us) to coffee, he’s outlined his personal toolkit in a way that can inspire anyone who reads it (especially introverts, perhaps).

Click to see what makes Jonathan tick (and to reflect on what you carry), and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for most inspiring deck of 2013!

What I Carry – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Cast Your Vote!

Don’t forget to help select the winner and bring more visibility to these inspiring Haiku Decks by adding a comment below, sharing your favorite with the #hdbestof2013 hashtag, or dropping us a line at (For this category in particular, the more sharing, the more we all win!) We’ll select one winner from each category to receive a special Haiku Deck prize (and, of course, creative bragging rights)!

Tips for Creating Your Own Inspiring Haiku Deck

We are here to help you create presentations that inspire! Here are a few useful resources.


2013 Decks of the Year Finalists: Best “About Me”


As the year draws to a close, we want to acknowledge and showcase the many amazing, inspiring decks that have been created by our community in 2013. We’ve selected ten categories, and each day beginning December 16th, we’ll reveal the five finalists in two of those categories.

Best “About Me” Haiku Deck

As anyone who has received the “What’s Your Story?” welcome when you create a Haiku Deck account has seen, Haiku Deck is a unique and fun way to introduce yourself. Our eighth Decks of the Year category recognizes a few of our favorite examples from 2013.

1. A Story in Twelve Facts, by Sara Lingafelter

Born at sea level and raised by hippies, digital strategist Sara charts her professional journey from the mountains of Nepal to the University of Washington with wit and flair. One of our favorite slides describes the difference between an extrovert and a “very social introvert.

Click to enjoy Sara’s story in twelve facts, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for Best “About Me” Haiku Deck!

Sara Lingafelter In Twelve Facts – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires; “A Story In Twelve Facts,” by Sara Lingafelter[/caption]

Mr Walnut Grey’s profile – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires; Mr Walnut Grey, by Gerard McGuickin

Design writer and blogger Gerard McGuickin shares his background, inspiration, accomplishments, and philosophy in this uber-stylish Haiku Deck, created with the atmospheric Orwell theme. He showcases artful photographs of his favorite spots in Belfast and explains why grey is an essential part of his identity.

3. “About Me,” by Rafranz Davis

“Hyperfocused tinkerer” and high-energy Haiku Deck Guru Rafranz Davis offers a fascinating glimpse into her mathematical mind in her “About Me” deck. One clever pair of images shows how kids come as a blank canvas and leave calculating the world. (Bonus points for her clever use of charts to illustrate her approach to math tinkering and time thinking mathematically.)

Click to see how Rafranz goes beyond the textbook math talk, and share it with the hashtag #hd2013 to cast your vote for clever math tinkering!

About me – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires; /> “About Me,” by Rafranz Davis[/caption]

4. “About Me,” by Stephanie Bell

Though she’s been told she’s too nice to be a lawyer, Jefferson City attorney and Haiku Deck Guru Stephanie Bell reveals that she likes arguing and winninga lot. She’s also a passionate advocate for her community — read more about how she rallies support for community events with Haiku Deck here.

Click to find out what it’s like to be a rugby wife, mom, lawyer, and community blogger, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to show your support for Stephanie and #JCMO!

Stephanie S. Bell – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires; /> “About Me,” by Stephanie Bell[/caption]

5. Communications and Me, Peter McKiernan

Communications and marketing strategist Peter McKiernan gives his “About Me” deck a professional focus, framing it with the important question “Why should you listen to me?” He touches on his background, his blog, and his philosophy (while also demonstrating Haiku Deck–ok, we’re kinda suckers for that.) He also incorporates humor and clever imagery to bring his expertise into focus.

Click to see Peter’s favorite advice from Elmore Leonard and find out what’s special about Ukiah, California — and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for best “About Me” Haiku Deck!

communications and me – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires; “Communications and Me,” by Peter McKiernan[/caption]

Cast Your Vote!

Don’t forget to help select the winner and bring more visibility to these creative “About Me” Haiku Decks by adding a comment below, sharing your favorite with the #hdbestof2013 hashtag, or dropping us a line at We’ll select one winner from each category to receive a special Haiku Deck prize (and, of course, creative bragging rights)!

Tips for Creating Your Own “About Me” Haiku Deck

Why not tell your own story in a Haiku Deck? Here are a few resources that might be helpful.


2013 Decks of the Year Finalists: Best How-To Haiku Deck


As the year draws to a close, we want to acknowledge and showcase the many amazing, inspiring decks that have been created by our community in 2013. We’ve selected ten categories, and each day beginning December 16th, we’ll reveal the five finalists in two of those categories.

Best How-To Haiku Deck

Whether you’re sharing helpful tips or illustrating a step-by-step process, Haiku Deck is awesome for showing how to. These are five of our favorite examples from 2013.

1. Excellent Project Scope in 5 Easy Steps, by Barry Hodge

Project manager Barry Hodge explains SMART goals clearly and concisely in this neat deck. He uses lists effectively (with short, digestible items) and gets right to the point, with just the right amount of detail to support each idea.

Click for a quick visual primer on scoping a project successfully, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for best how-to Haiku Deck of 2013!

Excellent Project Scope In 5 Easy Steps – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

2. Selling a Home in a Hot Market, Galen Ward

Galen Ward of Estately tackles this hot topic with humor and a wealth of high-value tips for would-be sellers. The elegant Zissou theme pairs beautifully with Galen’s high-impact lists, such as Do the Cheap Stuff and Five Days to Sold.

Click to learn how not to leave money on the table, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for Estately’s helpful how-to.

Selling A Home In A Hot Market – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

3. The Thank You Effect: 50 Small Ways to Improve Customer Service, by Greg Meyer

We live and breathe this every day (be sure check out our amazing support forum if you haven’t already), but we think this how-to Haiku Deck is impressive for both its scope and its thought-provoking tips. From “Commit Random Acts of Wow” to “Eat Your Own Dog Food,” Greg touches on dozens of ways to improve your customer experience.

Click to discover a wealth of ways to inspire the thank you effect, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to spread the love for best Haiku Deck how-to!

The Thank You Effect – 50 Small Ways To Improve Customer Service – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

 4. How to Draw a Cartoon Face, by Victoria Oliva

This step-by-step deck lit up Pinterest this year, with almost 900 repins! Victoria spells out you everything you need to succeed, from materials to mindset. Her detailed, annotated photographs show you how to get the head shape right and add details.

Click to learn how to draw a cartoon face, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for best how-to Haiku Deck of 2013!

How To Draw A Face – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

5. Super Productivity – The Art and Science of Getting Things Done, by Niiraj R. Shah

In this epic deck, Niiraj outlines 7 habits of super productive people and explains how to get maximum stuff done (we do our best to live and breathe this, too). Learn the importance of  working with your ultradian rhythm, oxygenating your system, and staying hydrated — and that’s just habit 1!

Click to unlock the secrets of super productivity, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 (quickly, during one of those 15-minute breaks) to cast your vote for the year’s best How-To Haiku Deck!

Super Productivity – The Art & Science of Getting Things Done – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Cast Your Vote!

Don’t forget to help select the winner and bring more visibility to these helpful How-To Haiku Decks by adding a comment below, sharing your favorite with the #hdbestof2013 hashtag, or dropping us a line at We’ll select one winner from each category to receive a special Haiku Deck prize (and, of course, creative bragging rights)!

Tips for Creating Your Own How-To Haiku Deck

Why not create your own how-to? Here are a few resources that might be helpful.


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