
Haiku Deck Classroom Brings Haiku Deck Presentations to Students and Teachers

With back to school season in full swing, we couldn’t be happier to announce a brand-new offering for educators, Haiku Deck Classroom.  Over the past 4 years, we’ve seen over a hundred thousand teachers, librarians, and education technology professionals from 15,000 schools (from primary to universities) embrace Haiku Deck. They use the app for creating inspiring lessons on any topic, teaching presentation best-practices, and even running curriculum nights or staff meetings. We built Haiku Deck Classroom to bring the full power of Haiku Deck Pro to educators and students in a way that’s easy and, more importantly, affordable even for teachers on the tightest of budgets.

Haiku Deck Classroom makes all the features of Haiku Deck Pro available to educators and students, including unlimited presentation creation, advanced privacy settings, offline viewing and printing, and YouTube video embedding. The subscription applies to use of Haiku Deck’s award-winning web, iPad, and iPhone apps. Here’s a 1 minute video introduction of Haiku Deck Classroom:

Additional features include:

    • Classroom Management Dashboard: Educators can easily add and remove students from their classroom by email address.
    • Mobile and Web-Based: Educators and students can create or view Haiku Decks on the web, iPad, or iPhone.
    • The option of Google Classroom integration: Educators who use Google Classroom may import users from and share decks directly to Google Classroom.
    • The option of using Google Sign-In: Haiku Deck now supports Google sign-in, for students without an email address.
    • Course Gallery: Students can share Haiku Decks to a classroom gallery, making it easy for teachers to review and evaluate work.
    • Share to LMS: Students can easily share their Haiku Decks to Classroom Management Systems like Schoology, Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, Edmodo, and more.  

Haiku Deck Classroom is offered at an introductory price of just $99/year for a teacher and up to 150 students with the option of adding student licenses. Department, school, and district pricing is also available.

To learn more about Haiku Deck Classroom and to purchase or upgrade, visit or for technical information about the product, please visit the Haiku Deck Classroom section of the Haiku Deck user guide.

As with all product updates, we’d love to hear your feedback! Please drop us a line if you’ve got questions or ideas for ways we can improve Haiku Deck Classroom in the future.

A Year of Inspiration for Educators

As a special thank you for the amazing educators in our creative community, we’re making our premium iPad themes available for free, all week long.

And to help put those beautiful themes to good use, here is a full year of inspiration for using Haiku Deck — in the classroom and out — every month of the year.

Thank you for all you do, teachers! We are inspired by you.


Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app


  • Create “What We Learned” Haiku Decks to celebrate the year’s accomplishments Continue reading

Teacher Appreciation Ideas, and Free Premium iPad Themes for Teachers

Teachers, counselors, administrators, librarians, technologists — we are inspired daily by the tremendous inspiration and generosity that you bring to our creative community.  

To say thank you to our teachers, who we know often spend their own hard-earned money on classroom supplies, we’re making our premium iPad themes available for free all week long.

Just open up the iPad app beginning now through May 10th, tap Themes, select any locked theme showing a green $ in the corner, and tap buy for $0.00.

And since–naturally–we do everything in Haiku Deck form, here are a few fun teacher appreciation ideas to celebrate our amazing educators, this week and every week.

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

{Come to think of it, how about some teacher appreciation Haiku Decks? After all, there are only so many picture frames and coffee mugs that can fit on a desk, but the only space a Haiku Deck takes up is in the heart….}

Thank you, teachers, for all you do! You have been some of our strongest supporters from day 1, and we’re so grateful for all of the projects you cook up with your students of all ages, the blog posts and reviews you write, the professional development sessions you host, and the Haiku Deck shout-outs you give at Twitter chats, EdCamps, and, really, everywhere you go!

Know a teacher who uses Haiku Deck, or should be? Be sure to spread the love!





More Poetry Project Ideas

We have loved seeing so many amazing poetry-themed Haiku Decks this month! Here are three more fantastic poetry project ideas submitted by teachers.

1. Spring Sensory Poems (Grade 1)

Submitted by Carrie Bresnehen, Cox Elementary – Cedar Park, TX

Learning Objectives

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL1.4: Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings to appeal to the senses


Haiku Deck iPad App or Haiku Deck Web App (free)

Activity Description

  1. Discuss the five senses and sensory words. What might you see on a walk in the spring? What might you smell? Etc. Take a walk or read a spring book.
  2. Create lists of sensory phrases for each of the five senses.
  3. Students use lists as ideas to create their own “spring is” poem.
  4. Students publish their work using Haiku Deck and share their finished product with the class.

Pro Tip

Creating word lists and a class example help students understand the project.

Carrie loves Haiku Deck because….

“Young students can easily create amazing projects!”

2. Wondering About Kindness (Grade 5)

Submitted by Donna Adkins, Fairlands Elementary School, Pleasanton, CA

Learning Objectives

Our team of fifth graders had several learning objectives, including:

  • Learning how to use Haiku Deck (shared classroom iPad)
  • Working collaboratively to share our thinking
  • Responding to literature (We are reading the book Wonder, by R.J. Palacio)
  • Really thinking of what the word kind means, and what kindness really looks like and feels like

Some of the standards this project touched on included:

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.
  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.7: Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem).
  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.6: With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting.
  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.


Students access published works related to the theme of “Kindness.” For our class, we are reading the book Wonder. The theme of Wonder is kindness as well as acceptance of self and others. Any book that has a strong theme relating to character education would support the project.

In addition to print resources, our school participates in a character education program that helps students recognize and develop various positive character traits, including kindness. This program, “Soul Shoppe,” is a schoolwide character education initiative.

Activity Description

    • After reading Wonder as a group, students wrote several reflections about what “Kind” is and how it affects them in reading journals.
    • Using an iPad and class list, student leaders worked with individual students to create the slide deck on my teacher account.
    • The teacher checked the deck for spelling and grammar only, then published the student work.
    • Work was shared with family and friends.

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Pro Tip

My biggest tip is to just let the students do it and not try and “help” them or worry about whether it is “perfect.”

Donna says….

“My students really love sharing their thinking. They loved the images that were available. I loved that they could do this easily without me.”

3. Spring Poetry (Grade 3)

Submitted by Smita Kolhatkar, Barron Park Elementary – Palo Alto, CA

Learning Objectives

  • Learn various styles of poetry
  • Work on word work (vocabulary)
  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.5: Learn process of revision
  • With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grade 3 here.)
  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.6: Publish digitally
  • With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.


Activity Description

  1. Students wrote their poems on paper.
  2. They then typed and revised them in Google Docs, using the new Google Docs Thesaurus Add-on (fantastic feature!).
  3. After a few iterations, they used Haiku Deck to type their poems, associating each line with a pertinent image.
  4. They played Haiku Deck in Play mode and took a screen shot of each slide (picture + text).
  5. They imported those pictures into Explain Everything from the Camera Roll.
  6. They added their voice and annotation.
  7. Students saved the end product as a video in the Camera Roll.
Poetry Project Ideas: Spring Poetry

See the final video on Smita’s blog

Pro Tips

  • The sound reduction microphone is not a must. However, the quieter an environment for students to record, the better the quality of the product.
  • Ensure that the images really connect with the pictures.
  • For teachers: Frontload the meaning of poetry, emphasize the process of revision, and focus on 1 or 2 key areas of revision.

Smita’s favorite thing about Haiku Deck is….

“The fantastic pictures. They are simply amazing.”

More Poetry Project Inspiration

Don’t miss 12 Awesome Poetry Project Ideas for All Ages

Special thanks to Carrie, Donna, and Smita for sharing their poetry project ideas! If you have additional tips or inspirations, please share them in the comments. And if you have a photography-themed Haiku Deck project idea to share, we’re collecting those throughout May.

12 Awesome Poetry Project Ideas for All Ages

Poetry Everywhere!

It’s National Poetry Month, the perfect time to fill the world with beautiful ideas and poetic power!

For a little inspiration, we’re showcasing twelve terrific poetry projects from our incredibly creative community of educators. You’ll find projects for first graders and high schoolers, and everything from sensory poems to color explorations to poems about polliwogs. (We also think any of these would be just as fun for adults to try — a little creative expression is always good for the soul!)

Educators, share your poetry project ideas here for a chance to win fun Haiku Deck prizes.

And if any of these ideas inspire you to create poetry-themed Haiku Decks (and we certainly hope they will), be sure to send us a link to, or tweet them with the hashtag #poeticpower!

1. Illustrate Figurative Language

In San Antonio, Texas, Terri Eichholz uses Haiku Deck with her 4th graders to explore and illustrate figurative language:

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Terri’s take: “In 5 minutes, I was able to show the students how to create a slide, add text, select an image, and share the product.  Once all of the products were in, we played a quick game to identify the type of figurative language as I showed each example on the big screen. While they were working with their partners, I heard one student say, “I love doing this!”

While they were working with their partners, I heard one student say, “I love doing this!”

“I love that they were engaged and learning, and all it cost me was about 10 minutes more than the previous times I’ve taught that lesson. Now, they have a new digital tool in their belt that they can choose from when they write their own examples of figurative language.”

Read more about Terri’s project (inspired by Natalie Babbitt’s “Tuck Everlasting”) and see examples of her students’ work on Engage Their Minds.

2. Create, Illustrate, and Share Original Poetry

Christy Novack and Julie Janc’s 3rd grade class at Roosevelt Elementary School used Haiku Deck and QR codes to spread poetry throughout their community.

Continue reading

5 Tips for Powerful Professional Development with Haiku Deck

Note: We’re delighted to feature this guest post by the awesome Lisa Johnson, also known as TechChef4U, who generously offered to share how she’s been using Haiku Deck to create standout professional development resources. Hai-5 for sharing your ideas and insights, Lisa!

Powerful Professional Development with Haiku Deck

Professional Development Tips from TechChef4U

How do you serve up your professional development on a delectable platter that leaves a lasting and memorable impression?

As a CEO of a Techucation firm, and an educator that delivers professional development to other educators, this was on my mind as I started gathering materials and preparing to deliver multiple sessions and workshops at an upcoming regional technology conference.

Two of my sessions focused on highlighting a tool, and I wanted to create unique resources that would really help the attendees absorb the information quickly and give them everything they needed to implement the tools right away in their classrooms.

1. Make it Visual

When I’m focusing on a tool or app, I often provide a brief live demo, and then share best practices for using the tool. What better way to provide tips and best practices in a visual manner … than to create a Haiku Deck?!

What better way to provide tips and best practices in a visual manner … than to create a Haiku Deck?!

Here’s the Haiku Deck I created of 14+ Tips for PD that Works, featuring iTunes U:

14 Tips for Creating – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

And here’s one I put together to showcase Nearpod:

Nearpod in the Classroom: An Educator’s Toolkit – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

2. Use Notes to Extend Learning

Many Haiku Decks include beautiful images help the text resonate, but few take advantage of the Notes section to leave learners with additional, more thorough takeaways.

I wanted to really throw Haiku Deck into overdrive, so I used the Public Notes to offer learners additional support resources to expand and extend the initial ideas presented in the slides. (These Notes are not visible in the full-screen or embedded version of your deck, but are visible when you view a deck on the Haiku Deck website.)

Powerful Professional Development with Haiku Deck: Using notes to add context

Including a list in the Public Notes field

I found that including additional information, lists, and links in the Notes doesn’t take away from the simple and eye-catching design of Haiku Deck…it adds depth.

3. Make it Collaborative

Notes can include collaborative tools and links if you get creative with it. For example, I added a public Google Doc to the Notes of the “Nearpod in the Classroom” deck, so learners can share and expand their own knowledge on a topic and tool.

Powerful Professional Development with Haiku Deck: Adding a link to a Google Doc

Linking to a Google Doc from Public Notes

4. Model Best Practices

Too many times, I have witnessed students stoically reading a full paragraph of text on their PPT slide, and incorporating images with little or no citation and attribution.

We’ve already seen how Haiku Deck cures you of text-ridden slides — another bonus is that it includes citations for the Creative Commons images available through its image search.

Here’s a sample Haiku Deck PDF handout that shows how you can minimize the text on your slides, use the Notes to include supplemental info, AND include proper image attribution, all in one tidy package.

Powerful Professional Development with Haiku Deck: Sample PDF Handout

Sample Haiku Deck PDF handout page

5. Ask for Feedback

Haiku Deck doesn’t have to be one-way communication! Consider planting a Google Form within your deck to request and gather specific and targeted feedback on your topic, as I did in “14+ Tips For Creating PD That Works.”

Powerful Professional Development with Haiku Deck: Including a feedback form

Linking to a feedback form from Public Notes


By choosing Haiku Deck as my go-to for preparing concise, unique professional development resources for educators, I hope to not only inspire the design of future Haiku Decks, but to spread the word that Haiku Deck is a worthy opponent for death by PPT and sloppy citation in the classroom!

Have you used Haiku Deck for professional development? Please share your examples and tips in the comments!


Best Education Case Study: Pat Johnson’s 1st and 2nd Grade Classroom


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Best Education Case Study: Pat Johnson’s 1st and 2nd Grade Classroom

Pat Johnson’s 1st and 2nd graders (now in 2nd and 3rd grade) have used Haiku Deck to capture what they’ve learned about anacondas, showcase their artwork illustrating historical events, and explore fractions. They used the integrated Creative Commons image search to collect pictures and facts about hummingbirds and to explore the concept of big and little. When we released charts and graphs last spring, they created graphs illustrating how many views their class decks had received.

We love this case study both for the breadth of creative uses across content areas and because how it illustrates so beautifully that even very young students can successfully collaborate and create with the app.

Click to view Titanic, a collaborative collection of drawings and facts by Pat Johnson’s class, and be sure to check out all five of the outstanding finalists for more inspiring examples from both students and teachers.

Titanic – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires


2013 Decks of the Year Finalists: Best Education Case Study


As the year draws to a close, we want to acknowledge and showcase the many amazing, inspiring decks that have been created by our community in 2013. We’ve selected ten categories, and each day beginning December 16th, we’ll reveal the five finalists in two of those categories.

Best Education Case Study

Our fifth category, for best education case study, celebrates the incredible innovation we have seen in the classroom. It has been amazing to see teachers and students from all levels, from first grade up to graduate school, using the app for visual storytelling, vocabulary development, and creative expression.

1. Pat Johnson’s 1st and 2nd Grade Class

Pat Johnson’s 1st and 2nd graders (now in 2nd and 3rd grade) have used Haiku Deck to capture what they’ve learned about anacondas, showcase their artwork illustrating historical events,  and explore fractions. They used the integrated Creative Commons image search to collect pictures and facts about hummingbirds and to explore the concept of big and little. When we released charts and graphs last spring, they created graphs illustrating how many views their class decks had received.

Click to view Titanic, a collaborative collection of drawings and facts by Pat Johnson’s class, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for best education case study of 2013!

Titanic – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

2. Show, Don’t Tell by Danielle Filas

Haiku Deck Guru Danielle Filas incorporates Haiku Decks into her teaching and posts them on her class blog so students who missed the class can catch up on the material. This witty, memorable lesson on crafting a college essay, incorporating everything from frizzy hair to a hilariously mortifying gymnastics mishap, is great for anyone tackling a piece of narrative writing.

Click to learn why the middle is a great place to start, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to show your support for Ms. Filas’s inspired Haiku Deck teaching!

Show Don’t Tell – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

3. Figurative Language in Tuck Everlasting, by Terri Eichholz

Terri Eichholz breathed fresh air into a lesson she’d been teaching for years by challenging her 4th graders to select examples of figurative language from a novel and illustrate them using the Haiku Deck Creative Commons image search — genius! What’s more, she wrote up the project on her blog, so others can be inspired by the project. One quote we particularly love from her write-up: “While they were working with their partners, I heard one student say, ‘I love doing this!'”

Click to read the details on Terri’s blog, “Engage Their Minds,” and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for the year’s best education case study!

Best Education Case Study: Haiku Deck #hdbestof2013 finalists

“Figurative Language in Tuck Everlasting,” by Terri Eichholz

4. AP Biology Exam Power Words, by Jeremy Conn

Jeremy Conn made last year’s Best of 2013 list with his awesome Cell Membrane Bubble Lab, and this spring he demonstrated how to use Haiku Deck for vocabulary-building flash cards with a visual twist. We’ve seen some great examples of Haiku Deck for vocabulary development across grade levels and subjects, but this is one of our favorites.

Click to brush up on your scientific power words, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to put a little voting rocket fuel behind Jeremy’s deck.

AP BIOLOGY EXAM POWER WORDS – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

5. Embrace the Messiness, by Tanya Sasser

We love a good education manifesto, and this bold deck by Tanya Sasser of Jacksonville State University is an awesome example. Her incredibly detailed Public Notes clearly describe her inspiration, her tools, and the process she used to set her up classroom for challenge-based learning.

Click to explore Tanya’s thoughts (inspired by a TED talk) on the skatepark as a model for 21st-century learning, and share it with the hashtag #hdbestof2013 to cast your vote for embracing the messiness!

Embrace the Messiness – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Cast Your Vote!

Don’t forget to help select the winner and bring more visibility to these outstanding education case study examples by adding a comment below, sharing your favorite with the #hdbestof2013 hashtag, or dropping us a line at We’ll select one winner from each category to receive a special Haiku Deck prize (and, of course, creative bragging rights)!

Tips for Blogging with Haiku Deck

Ready to create your own blogging case study? Here are a few helpful tips and resources.


Operation SXSW: Visual Storytelling and Pitch Advice

SXSW or Bust!

SXSW: The perfect confluence of innovation, inspiration, and sheer creative energy. In short, exactly where we want to be.

We’ve submitted three SXSW proposals that are now open for public voting and comment in the SXSW Panelpicker. If any look like sessions you ‘d want to hear, we’d be (as always) incredibly grateful for your support. (Once you create an account — it’s pretty painless — you can vote once for as many sessions as you like, through September 6.)

1. Unlocking Inspiration Through Visual Storytelling (SXSW Interactive)

More and more, we communicate visually. Every day, people share hundreds of millions of images through Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. As Nick Bilton of the NY Times put it, “Photos, once slices of a moment in the past — sunsets, meetings with friends, the family vacation — are fast becoming an entirely new type of dialogue.”

Since Haiku Deck launched, we have served up millions of images and analyzed what people are searching for, and which images they’re choosing to illustrate those concepts. Our recent partnership with Getty Images deepened our understanding of how people communicate meaning through images.

In this collaborative session, we’ll do a deep dive on the data to investigate what stories people are telling and which images they’re choosing. We’ll then explore techniques and strategies for pushing visual storytelling further, going beyond the literal and the expected to unlock deeper meaning and more powerful visual communication.

Unlocking Inspiration for Visual Storytelling – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires


  • Catherine Carr, VP Marketing and Chief Inspiration Officer, Haiku Deck
  • Andrew Delaney, Director of Creative Content, Getty Images

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The New Powerpoint for Education

Ultimate Haiku Deck Resource Guide

More and more, we’re hearing that creative teachers, students, and technology trainers are saying goodbye to Powerpoint for education and embracing Haiku Deck for a fresh, flexible way to collect and present facts, share ideas, tell visual stories, illustrate processes, capture evidence, and explore connections between words and images. Here’s what they have to say about Haiku Deck:

Teachers Talk Haiku Deck – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;
Teachers appreciate that Haiku Deck encourages students to focus on simplifying and communicating their message without getting too bogged down in formatting choices or sidetracked by fancy transitions. Students love that Haiku Deck is easy and fun to use, and they feel a sense of pride and ownership of what they create. We have even seen innovative administrators and counselors using Haiku Deck to communicate day-to-day information, raise awareness for important causes, and share uplifting messages for inspiration and support.

With enlightened fans spreading the word across the country via Twitter chats, conferences, and EdCamps, we created this toolkit to help educators get started with Haiku Deck.

Step 1: Get Haiku Deck

Step 2: Create a Haiku Deck Account

You can sign in with email, Facebook, Google, or Twitter.

Step 3: Get to Know Haiku Deck

Here’s a quick video intro to Haiku Deck:

Meet Haiku Deck from Haiku Deck on Vimeo.

Things to think about as you explore the app:

  • How the constraints encourage simplicity and focus
  • How words and visuals work together
  • How the app can encourage creativity and storytelling across content areas
  • How Haiku Deck encourages good digital citizenship through the Creative Commons image search


  • For inspiration, click/tap GALLERY to browse some popular and featured decks
  • Tap the + sign at the bottom of the iPad app, or  NEW DECK on the web to create a new deck
  • Try using the built-in keyword image search and using your own images (you can take them with the camera from the iPad app, select from your camera roll [iPad app] or computer [Web App], or import from Instagram, Dropbox, and other sources)
  • Try choosing a new theme to change the look of your deck
  • Try creating a pie chart or bar graph (iPad only)
  • Create a deck to introduce yourself
  • Create a list of things you love or things you believe in
  • Create a deck to articulate your philosophy about education
  • Create a deck that explains or collects facts about a topic

Step 4: Explore More Features and Get Inspired 

Tutorials and Beginning Resources

Resources for Educators

Advanced Resources

Power Tips

Step 5: Join our Community and Build your PLN

If you have more questions about Haiku Deck or need additional materials, we are always here to help! Just leave us a note in the comments.

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