
A Case Study in Career Building

Creative Career Building

How do you stand out from other candidates when you’re interviewing for a job? One creative way is to use Haiku Deck as a visual resume or to showcase your work, and that’s exactly what our friend Steve Nestor of Staffordshire did.

Steve began his career as a support worker in Bromford Support in 2009 and worked his way up to Marketing Coordinator, with Haiku Deck playing a key role in his promotion. Steve also happens to be one of three winners in our “About Me” contest last year (a fact he mentions on his LinkedIn profile):

My Life In A flash – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

Guest Q&A

Haiku Deck: Tell us the scoop! How did Haiku Deck play a role in your new job?

Steve: During a team talk we heard about the power of social media. We were encouraged to begin to tell our own stories and also the stories of the vulnerable people that we help in order to raise awareness of what we do and the real difference that we make to their lives every single day.

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Inspiration: Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Seven score and 11 years ago, the 16th president of the United States stood in a muddy field and made a two-minute speech that has been celebrated as one of the greatest of all time. Abraham Lincoln’s eloquent Gettysburg Address graces the walls of the Lincoln Memorial and inspired the opening words of Martin Luther King’s equally famous “I Have a Dream” speech. It endures.

Though few of us will have occasion to consecrate a battlefield, the Gettysburg Address is worth studying and being inspired by, time and time again.

The Gettysburg Address – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

View The Gettysburg Address on

The Gettysburg Address

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.

The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Note: Be sure to check out my companion piece, “10 Lessons Every Presenter Can Learn from America’s Most Iconic Speech” in Fast Company.

Haiku Deck Builds Suite of Mobile-First Presentation Tools with New iPhone App

Seattle startup continues to push productivity paradigm forward, with expanded opportunities for mobile presentation creation, editing, viewing, and sharing

Seattle, WA — February 13, 2014 — Haiku Deck today announced the release of an iPhone app to round out its offering of presentation tools for the mobile age. The new iPhone app works flexibly with Haiku Deck for iPad and the Haiku Deck Web App Beta, opening up powerful new options for browsing, viewing, and presenting — and even turning the iPhone into a remote — on the go.

Announcing Haiku Deck for iPhone – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Mobile traffic to the Haiku Deck website has skyrocketed–iPhone visits in Q4 increased by a factor of 18 compared to the same period in 2012, reflecting a broader industry trend. And with more and more Haiku Decks being shared and viewed on small screens, Haiku Deck for iPhone offers a mobile-optimized display of its signature image-rich, minimal-text decks.

For the global community of Haiku Deck users, the iPhone App also delivers expanded flexibility for viewing and presenting, with the ability to download decks for offline viewing or spontaneous pitching in a taxi, plane, or Wifi-strained conference venue. Those giving live talks can present their Haiku Decks using the iPhone as a remote control — a feature frequently requested by conference presenters and tech-savvy trainers and teachers alike.

Mobile-first presentation tools: Using Haiku Deck for iPhone as a personal teleprompter

Using iPhone as a remote and personal teleprompter

“Our goal was to make Haiku Deck for iPhone optimized for all aspects of our customers’ mobile lifestyle,” said Kevin Leneway, Haiku Deck’s co-founder and CTO. “Rather than squeeze an iPad app into a 3” screen, we thought deeply about how to make an awesome iPhone experience from the ground up.”

“Our goal was to make Haiku Deck for iPhone optimized for all aspects of our customers’ mobile lifestyle.”

With more than a million presentations spanning topics from social media storytelling to common core educational standards — and visits to its Featured and Popular Galleries growing at a steady clip — Haiku Deck for iPhone also offers a portable, convenient way to flip through each week’s best examples for inspiration and ideas.

Mobile-first presentation tools: Browsing Gallery in Haiku Deck for iPhone

Browsing the Featured Gallery with Haiku Deck for iPhone

Gallery browsing in the iPhone App plants the seeds for creating new Haiku Decks, functionality available now on iPad and in the Web App Beta and coming soon — with features tailored to the smaller, more portable form factor — to iPhone.

Haiku Deck has demonstrated strong momentum since its launch in August 2012 — the iPad app, now available in 8 languages, has been downloaded close to a million times and has ranked #1 in productivity in more than 40 countries worldwide. The Haiku Deck Web App Beta, launched in November 2013, makes deck creation and editing available to anyone with a browser. These innovative, mobile-first presentation tools are designed to work flexibly, alone or in concert, and with the new iPhone App for a seamless, cross-device experience.

Mobile Traffic Trends – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
“Everyone has a great story to tell, lesson to teach, product to sell, or idea to share,” said Adam Tratt, co-founder and CEO. “Haiku Deck for iPhone is a natural extension of our goal to make it awesome to both create and consume presentations, in an age when mobile devices play a central role in how we work, teach, and learn.”

“Everyone has a great story to tell, lesson to teach, product to sell, or idea to share.”

Haiku Deck for iPhone is available for free in the iTunes App Store.

About Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck creates presentation tools for the mobile age, making it simple to create and share inspiring presentations on any device. Headquartered in Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood, Haiku Deck is a privately held company with the backing of prominent investors, including Trilogy Partnership, Madrona Venture Group, Founder’s Co-op, and Techstars. The Seattle-based startup was founded by Adam Tratt and Kevin Leneway.

Haiku Deck has been embraced by creative communicators from a wide range of disciplines worldwide; to see how people are using Haiku Deck to pitch ideas, teach lessons, tell stories, and ignite movements, visit the Haiku Deck Featured and Popular Galleries, Blog, Facebook page, Twitter feed, and Pinterest boards. For additional information and company images, visit

Media Contact
Nicole Brunet

Random Acts of Kindness, Haiku Deck Style

Random Acts of Kindness Week

It’s Random Acts of Kindness Week, and to celebrate, we’re giving away free premium themes all week long!

We’re making two random premium themes available for free each day. Just open Haiku Deck on your iPad, tap any deck to enter Edit mode, and pull down the THEMES handle at the top center. Tap on the themes to discover which ones  are set to $0.00, then tap BUY. And be sure to visit each day to unlock new themes! (Note: Premium themes aren’t available quite yet in the Web App, but we’re working on it!)

Random Acts of Kindness Haiku Deck Challenge

The world can always use more acts of kindness, so make sure to spread the word. With the fancy new fonts and image filters you get with your premium themes, you can create a single slide or even a whole deck if you feel inspired to celebrate random acts of kindness.

Here are a few fun ways you can celebrate random acts of kindness:

Random Acts Of Kindness – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Tweet your Random Acts of Kindness Haiku Decks and slides to @haikudeck with the hashtag #hdrakweek. We’ll be adding them to our Random Acts of Kindness Week 2014 Pinterest Board to keep the positive energy flowing.

We hope you enjoy the free premium themes — and we have another fun surprise coming up on Thursday, so stay tuned!


Best Presentations of 2013: Decks of the Year

Our creative community continues to wow us with so many beautiful, inspiring Haiku Decks! Here’s a roundup of the year’s best presentations: our ten 2013 Decks of the Year winners. A big Hai-5 to all of the creative geniuses whose decks were selected as finalists and winners, and to everyone who cast their votes with likes, comments, and shares.

The Winners: Best Presentations of 2013

Pure Wow: “Ink: On Celebrating Our Stories,” by Paula Guinto

Paula Guinto’s visually stunning presentation, “Ink: On Celebrating Our Stories,” was the most ooh’d and ahh’d at deck, even before our Decks of the Year Awards began. Ms P, a middle school teacher and a gifted storyteller, recounts the story of her first tattooshares her first Instagram, and, through a powerful combination of beautiful, vivid words and images, urges us all to find our storybelieve in it, and honor it.

Ink: On Celebrating Our Stories 3.0 – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

Most Inspiring Haiku Deck: “I’m Not Creative,” by Brandon George

Haiku Deck Guru Brandon George of Write the Good Fight, supercharged his deck with 14 creativity boosters that are “guaranteed ways to kick creative a@$,” from how to eat doubt for breakfast to mining for nuggets.

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Pure Wow Winner: Paula Guinto


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Pure Wow Winner: “Ink,” by Paula Guinto

This is one of those visually stunning decks that we all gathered around and ooh’d and aah’d over. Ms P, a middle school teacher a gifted storyteller, recounts the story of her first tattoo,shares her first Instagram, and, through a powerful combination of beautiful, vivid words and images, urges us all to find our storybelieve in it, and honor it. The huge number of votes and social shares Paula’s deck received during the contest is evidence that her story resonated with our community, as well.

Click to be wowed by Paula’s story, and be sure to check out the other “pure wow” finalists in this very difficult to judge category, who created truly awe-inspiring pieces on visual storytelling, the power of play, global travel, and the new mindset for education.

Ink: On Celebrating Our Stories 3.0 – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
“Ink,” by Paula Guinto[/caption]

Most Inspiring Haiku Deck: Creativity Boosters from Brandon George


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Most Inspiring Haiku Deck: “I’m Not Creative,” by Brandon George

With wit and style, Haiku Deck Guru Brandon George of Write the Good Fight spells out “14 guaranteed ways to kick creative a@$.” (Case in point: Find the time. You have 24 hours in each day. So did Picasso, Gandhi, and Einstein.) Props to Brandon for using Public Notes so effectively, rocking the chronically underused Strangelove theme, and mixing in some cool charts to drive his points home.

Click to learn how to eat doubt for breakfast and other creativity boosters, and definitely don’t miss the chance to be inspired by all five category finalists.

“I’m Not Creative” (Oh Yeah? Bull$#!%.) – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

P.S. If you’d like to share Brandon’s creativity boosters with a younger audience, he created a special G-rated alternate version here.

Best About Me Haiku Deck: “Sara Lingafelter in 12 Facts”


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Best “About Me” Haiku Deck: “Sara Lingafelter in 12 Facts”

Born at sea level and raised by hippies, digital strategist Sara Lingafelter charts her professional journey from the mountains of Nepal to the University of Washington with wit and flair. One of our favorite slides describes the difference between an extrovert and a “very social introvert.

Click to check out Sara’s cleverly told story, and be sure to check out all five finalists for even more “About Me” inspiration. (And why not create your own?)

Sara Lingafelter In Twelve Facts – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires



Best How To Haiku Deck: 50 Small Ways to Improve Customer Service


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Best “How To” Haiku Deck: “The Thank You Effect,” by Greg Meyer

We live and breathe this every day (be sure check out our amazing support forum if you haven’t already), but we think this “how to” Haiku Deck is impressive for both its scope and its thought-provoking tips. From “Commit Random Acts of Wow” to “Eat Your Own Dog Food,” customer experience expert Greg Meyer offers up dozens of “small actions that prompt meaningful next steps to measurably improve service in any company.”

Click to find out how to improve customer service by inspiring the thank you effect, and be sure to check out all five finalists to learn how to sell a home in a hot market, scope a project effectively, draw a cartoon face, and supercharge your productivity!—50-small-ways-to-improve-customer-service

Most Creative Hook: Julius Solaris of Event Manager Blog


This week we’re announcing our #hdbestof2013 Decks of the Year winners! Thank you for all of your comments, votes, emails, and shares — and a special thank-you to the creators of these amazing and inspiring decks.

Most Creative Hook: Julius Solaris of Event Manager Blog

This clever piece of content marketing turns the tables and enumerates tips for conference presenters–from the perspective of the event planner. With humorous images and  hard-hitting copy, Julius Solaris gently (and not so gently) reminds speakers that “Your time is not about you, it’s about them,” that the time slot is not a suggestion, and–our favorite—slides that look like this “are not cool.” (Full disclosure: Julius completes the picture with a companion piece titled “Dear Event Planner, I Hate You. Sincerely, Your Speaker” on his Event Manager blog.)

Click to peruse Julius’s clever list of do’s and don’ts for speakers, and be sure to check out all five finalists for some supercharged creative inspiration!

Haiku Deck #hdbestof2013 Most Creative Hook: Julius Solaris of Event Manager Blog

“Dear Speaker, I Loathe You,” by Julius Solaris of Event Manager Blog


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